The Legendary Sannin

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(This is two years later so Naruto is now 10 years old and still in the academy:))


"It's been two years now since I put Naruto in the academy and he is yet to make any progress."
"But I thought that Naruto had already made friends," Itachi asked confused.
"Yes, he hangs out with them however, I have come to understand that Naruto still doesn't consider his friends."
"Then why would he hang out with them."
"During missions, Naruto is forced to be ruthless and emotionless but he still has a heart. he doesn't want to upset the people that consider him their friend. He simply believes he isn't capable of those types of feelings and sending him on genocide missions doesn't help change his beliefs at all. Regardless he is the only one who can do it so he just endures."
"I understand, but tell me what is Naruto going to do after the Academy, because his fr- acquaintances might get suspicious."
"I am putting him in a genin group until the chunin exams."
"Wait but why, if his true skills are exposed people will talk."
"It's a risk I'm willing to take Itachi."
I just hope it doesn't end in complete chaos.


"NARUTO!" Iruka sensei yelled in my ear to wake me up.
We were in history class and I just happened to fall asleep. Well, it's not like it was my first time falling asleep in this class. It was so boring I couldn't stand it.

"I don't get it, Naruto always falls asleep in class, and on top of that he is always out sick, so how can he be passing, " Kiba pointed out.

"Who knows, maybe he studies when he is out sick so he doesn't fall behind, " Choji said.

"I wish I could stay at home sick from time to time, that way I wouldn't have to listen to this boring lecture, " Shikamaru sighed.

"Shikamaru, you could if you wanted to anyway, you're the smartest person in this class, " Ino said.

"Yeah but my mom would never allow it unless im actually sick, how troublesome, " he replied.

"But seriously how does he do it, he doesn't typically stand out but he is just average in every subject, " Kiba said.

"Yeah and also he should look weak since he is sickly but his physique doesn't reflect that at all, " Ino said while staring at me.

"Hmph, he probably just skips school and pretends to sick so he doesn't have to be here, " Sakura stated in a cold attitude.

"It can't be true, that's because Naruto always has a note with him from Lord Hokage himself saying that he was out sick, " Shino said out of nowhere.

"What do you think Sasuke, " Kiba asked.

"Hn, " Sasuke said.

"Work with me Uchiha, I know you can speak normally, " Kiba said annoyed.

I wasn't looking but I knew that Sasuke was staring straight at me. He is probably thinking about the other's conversation. The truth is that I decided to maintain my grades and physical skill as average so I don't stick out, but with me always being "sick" it just makes me more suspicious. I thought about dropping my grades a little but then I would have had to take the extra credit classes that I didn't have time for.

"Whatever, " Kiba said to Sasuke, "Hinata, what do you think."

"W-well maybe Naruto spends his time training and studying when he is sick so he can strengthen his body and come back to school stronger, " Hinata said shyly.

"You could be right Hinata, after all, he never shows any signs of being sick in class, " Ino agreed.

"Here is a smart idea, why don't well all just ask Naruto himself, " Shikamaru said and he was obviously tired of this conversation.

And just like that the bell finally rang. I quickly gathered my belongings and shunshined away before anyone noticed. If possible, I would like to avoid meaningless and awkward conversations like that one.

"Wait where is Naruto, " Choji asked.

Everyone turned their head to find my seat empty.

"He was just here a second ago, did he seriously just disappear without anyone noticing, " Kiba said with a shocked look on his face.

Kiba wasn't the only one that was super shocked, Sasuke was stunned.


"But how, the bell just rang like 5 seconds ago. Was it just a fluke? No, it can't be, nobody here noticed him leaving. Maybe I am just overthinking it. I mean I was ready to leave once the bell rang as well so Sakura doesn't try to come up and talk to me. She is annoying and can never leave me alone. Ino too but she isn't half as bad as Sakura. Yeah that's it I am just overthinking things."

"SASUKE!" Sakura screams as she jumps onto my back.
"Damn, now I have to deal with her again."
"Sasuke did you wait just for me, " she shouts almost rupturing my eardrums.
"You are the last person I would ever wait for, now get off my back I need to leave, " I stated in a harsh tone.
"B-but..., " Sakura said with tears forming in her eyes.
"Do yourself a favor and get a life, you are so annoying I can't stand it anymore, " I told her in an even harsher tone.
At this point, tears were rolling down her eyes uncontrollably. Everyone in the class was listening to me when I told her that. She looked so embarrassed but I didn't care so I just took my stuff and left.


"Damn that was harsh, " I told Kurama from the treetop.
"I don't personally like him but I gotta respect him for putting that pink bitch in her place. And to do that in front of everyone. That kid is very bold.
"She is probably gonna go home and cry her eyes out, " I laughed, "but seriously, I am glad Hinata isn't like that, if she was I might have had to kill her. I don't know how Sasuke can put up with so many fangirls. Even though she has a crush on me, she can maintain an appropriate distance from me."
"That's probably because she is very shy, but she seems like a respectful young girl so even if she wasn't shy, she would still be nothing like those other fangirls, " Kurama added.
"You're right."
"Seriously kid, you should give her a chance to talk to you a little bit more. She seems more open when she is with you. I know you don't want any friends but a crush isn't something you should just ignore."
"Ok, I will talk to her more."
"Kid just listen to me you should- wait did you actually agree with me."
"Yeah, I mean Hinata is pretty cool and I don't want to hurt her feelings."
"What game are you playing at kid."
"No game, I'm serious."
"Wait is it possible you like her back."
"Not really but she deserves acknowledgment from me at least."
"I see, you have come far kid before you would refuse because it would put you in an awkward position."
"Wait for a sec Kurama I have a message coming in."

I look up and see more swirling around coming straight at me. Tied to its leg was a note from the Hokage. I read the letter and it told me to come straight to his office.
"I wonder what that's about kid."
"Me too so let's go find out, " I said as a shunshined to the Hokage's office.

I politely knocked on the doors and heard Lord Third telling me to come in. When I walked inside I saw a tall man with long gray hair and a woman with blond hair and brown eyes. She also had a purple diamond-shaped mark in the middle of her forehead.

"Naruto, I want you to meet Jiraiya and Tsunade, they are part of the legendary sannin, " Lord Third informed.
"Yeah I know them, they are, Jiraiya the toad sage and Tsunade the medic, am I correct, " I replied.
"Wow, you sure do know your stuff kid, " Jiraiya said.
"So he is Minato and Kushina's child huh, he is the spitting image of both of them. He also got their strong genes I hear, " Tsunade told Lord Third.
"Well, it's an honor to meet you both but was that the only reason I was called in, " I asked.
"Kind of but I want you to spend some time with Jiraiya considering he is your godfather, " Lord Third blurted out.
"Huh, " I said frozen.
"That's right kid im your godfather, " Jiraiya said with a grin on his face.



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