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After wins performance -

His voice  mesmoriesd me , he has such a beautiful voice who is he .

Man - god also can't help you he is win kanawat , gulf kanawat's brother we told you about him in the morning .

Bright - ohh he is the one , I thought he is nothing but a rich brat .

Yes mr you are right someone spoke form behind .

Boss and man - gulped after hearing the voice .

Man - did you heard everything .

Win - smirked yes I did and for your information I am a rich brat and now I have my eyes on you mr .

Bright- my name is bright not mr .

Win - idc because I am rich brat , and you are a coward back bitching about me behind my back if you have the guts say whatever it is on my face .

Bright - smirked ohh you are really a rich brat .

Win - as if you are not .

Bright- what did you say .

Win - I said you are no better than me mr whatever your name is .

Bright - excuse me brat , I work for my everything I work hard  and get payed , the money I spend in my own earned , unlike you I don't take my family's money and show off ...

Win - don't go on my family am I clear , for your information I too work hard for myself and what did I do that made you think a show off .

Bright ( thought for awhile he didn't know win , he didn't even see him ever he just knew he is brother of a very rich designer which makes him rich , the way he challenged phi dim and him made him think he is a brat ) .

Win - see you don't even know me yet you have the guts to curse me .

Bright- your attitude the way you talked to our senior rudely , you are clearly hitting on someone boyfriend
,I am also your senior only because you are rich you think you own the university but let me tell you , you are nothing by yourself just a rich brat who is dependent on his brother .

Wins his patience was gone after he heard his brothers name , he could tolerate anything but not anything about his brother , he grabbed bright everyone in the university were looking at them following them .

Win took bright on the stage and called green to there .

Win - green tell him what happened in the morning .

Green told everything that happened in the morning with him and win .

Win - green you can go I will see you at lunch , now listen just because phi dim is my senior but  I won't let him insult and humiliate me same goes for you mr whatever your name is and about my rich brat issue see this ( win showed him his employe contract ) I too work my ass of and If I can enjoy the luxury after working so hard what the point of earning ,  as far as I remember I never humiliated you or anyone in the university because I am rich and it's not my family money me and my brother worked very hard for everything , we lost our partners when I was 5 I and my brother lived on streets begged for food , my brother took care of me he use to work 5 part time jobs when everyone else of his age was enjoying there childhood with toys he is my everything I wont hear a word about him do you understand me , and about insulting you you are just a senior and you have no right to say anything about me and if you do be ready to hear words back ....

Everyone was shocked after hearing win , yes gulf and win kanawat were examples how those two boys have worked so hard to fulfill there dream the whole world admired them , but the shocking thing was hearing wins high voice he was a very polite kid no one has seen his so anger not even his friends .

Bright and wins video was shared all over the university , many people feared win kanawat now because he might look a sweet guy but he had the guts to humiliate a senior in front of everyone .

Without anyones noticing someone heard everything that happened in the university club .

Mews pov -

Today I decided to supprise my little brother , these days I barely spend time with him anymore so I decided to go to his University and pick him latter we can go for a movie or anything he likes . I searched of him someone told me he is in the music club so I went there and I was shocked to see my little brother was shouting on someone that guy was quite the whole time I felt bad I was about to stop my brother but that guy took my brother on the stage and humiliated him I felt bad for the guy to be honest I am not a partial person if it's my brothers fault he should be punished , I heard that guy telling about his life and how much he has struggled to get what he has and bright had no right to question on insult him he is right bright shouldn't insult the guy ....

After hearing the whole conversation I decided to go to bright I will tell him to aploize to that guy I was walking towards brights class I saw the same guy who was shouting on the top of his lungs was sitting under a tree where no one can notice him I went near him .

I asked him if he was ok .

His eyes were filled with tears , I saw the same eyes I saw years ago but I decided to ignore that, the guy was crying on the top of his lungs I could see how hurt he was .

You know sharing your feelings help alot you don't know me and most probably we won't see each other ever again you can tell me anything I won't judge you .

He finally said that bright guy insulted my brother how dare he I know it's stupid to cry about this but I can't help .

I understood his sistution , it's not stupid to cry about anything it's ok .

He continued , you know when my parents died I was too young we had no relatives no one to take care of ,y brother was 11 he didn't cry but he took care of me he worked really hard for me and his to survive , he opened the company and worked really hard on it , I just can't hear anything about him he is my only family he cried again .

I understood his sistution what bright did was worng i told him he can consider me also as his brother .

After a while he went he requested me politely not to share this with anyone obviously why will I , after he went I went to the canteen and saw my brother there I think I should talk to him ...

No one's pov-

Bright - brother what are you doing hear .

Mew - just want to talk to you .

Bright- guys I will be back in a while.

Mew - I saw everything that happened in your club .

Bright- oh you did that brat i won't leave him this time .

Mew - if you mess with that guy I will not talk to you , baby brother I heard everything and what you did was wrong why did you call him a rich brat did he do anything .

Bright - no he didn't I just heard he is from a very rich family .

Mew - so what's wrong with that , he didn't insult you or anyone else because he is rich it's wrong to judge people like this come on be a good boy and say sorry to him .

Bright- ok only because you are saying.

Mew - good boy go now and invite him for lunch with us as a sorry .

Bright - that brat in his mind .

Hey people I am really sad I honestly liked the idea of writing this story but it's really disappointing I am not getting any views or comment or votes on this story , people here can be honest if you guys see any problems or anything I can improve in my writing style I would really appreciate it if you guys tell me , but seeing so less views break my heart ........ should I  continue this ....

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