This time I have changed.

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Hyunjin's pov.

I looked at my dad straight in the eyes. I squished Pearl's hand and she did it back to encourage me.
"Prince Hyunjin. After all these years chasing you,you decided to return infront of me at your brother's ceremony. Don't you think that this attitude of yours is tiring everyone?" my father took a step forward with my mum and Jisung behind him.
"Hi mum, hi Jisung. It's been quite a while. I hope you both are happy and healthy. I came to resolve the problems I made all those years." I spoke and bowed to them.
"Hyunjin you are not cursed anymore?" my mum came closer to me and touch my hair and my face.

She looked down to our hands and smiled widely.
"Your Highness he is finally free. Look he found love." she looked at father and happy tears were rolling down her eyes.
"I am happy that you are now free from the curse but these years you made a lot mistakes you are not capable of being a king if you can't control yourself." he said strictly.
Jisung looked sad and stressed. I looked at Felix. He was watching Jisung. I felt bad I have to fix this.

I was going to talk but suddenly Pearl left my hand and took a step forward and bowed.
"Your Highness not to be rude or judge your leader or father skills but did you ever help Prince Hyunjin with his attitude? I heard that after the curse you were treating him only as a war weapon because he is the most capable warrior in the kingdom with siren power." Pearl said and raised her head.
What is she thinking.
"Pearl stop." I said but she just looked at me shook her head and smiled and looked at my father again.
"Who do you think you are to talk to the King like that?" he asked her clearly angry.
"I am the one,a total stranger, a half human, who helped and loved your son break the curse. All those years Prince Hyunjin was just asking for love. If you had saw him how it's like to be loved,he could love someone too and they will eventually liked him. He is an amazing warrior yes I do agree, I have seen him fight,he saved me,he saved his friends and many people but he is not a weapon. That's what you didn't understand and you didn't let your family helped him too. The queen only wanted her big boy back and you took him from her." Pearl was talking barely screaming angrily and tears were rolling down her eyes.

I got close to her and hugged her.
"You have some nerves young lady but you don't know how difficult is to rule a kingdom. Jisung is a very capable man and he trained all these years for this." he said and signal the guards to take us.
"Did you ever ask Jisung if he wants all these?" she screamed.
"It's his duty. We don't question this." he said and the guards broke us from each other. I tried to fight them but there were too many. Pearl did the same but this was leading to nothing.
"It's his duty even if he is this sad,anxious and lonely like right now? You took his brother and his love away and you expected him to just accept all these?
This is Prince Hyunjin's duty which he wants and you aren't giving to him. Before you are a king you are a simple merman,a husband and a father. And if you think about your kingdom's good Hyunjin wants the throne which makes him better leader already. I am sure Jisung is capable is too but he doesn't want this." Pearl said and took a deep breath.
"You think you know so much. You don't have nothing you are just another half human. You are talking nonsense." father said and scoffed.

"Actually Your Highness she is my daughter which makes her Princess of the Black Ocean. Do you remember in what race they belong Black Ocean mermaids? To the most powerful one. She knows what she is talking about and I can confirm it after all I was the one who cursed your son." Pearl's mum came in front too.
"Sara you dare to face me and bring your daughter too and getting her involved with my son. You are a disgusting woman." Father said angry and guards run to her and captured her.
"I think it's time for me to kill you Sara. You caused enough problems." my father took a sword and got close to Sara.
"Dad stop it now. She was cursed too." I yelled.
"This doesn't change her mistakes son like yours too." he took his sword out.
"For whatever it means I'm sorry for all the things I did to you. Underworld Sirens took advantage of me and the love I had for you. I didn't want any of these that's why I wasn't anywhere in the sea. I met some and we had Pearl. And I love him. I'm sorry again. I don't know what else to say." she said closed her eyes and looked down.

My father raised the sword in front of her.
I broke free from the guards and run to her and the moment he was about to hit her I put my back to protect her.
I felt a toxic pain in my back and hissed in pain. I fell on the ground.

Pearl's pov.
Hyunjin fell on the ground and a pool of blood appeared.
King dropped his sword and froze in his place.
I screamed and broke free from the guards.
I run to him and guards came over me.
"Let me save him please. He is going to die if I don't heal him." I screamed but they wouldn't let me.
I sang like a siren and everyone screamed in pain.
I got to Hyunjin and touched his back. I looked at my mum and she came to me.
"Pearl sing sweetie we don't have time. I'll help you." she said and we started singing again.

He started to heal but it was slower this time.
"Felix,Jisung maybe your light can help us." they both came to us fast and helped with their light.
"Please someone who can help anyone." I yelled.
A lot of people from the crowd came and we created a big light.
I was crying silently hoping for the best.
The light disappeared and the wound was now healed.

Hyunjin opened his eyes and I hold him in my arms.
"I think we have done this before." he said smiling and I hugged him tightly.
He was alive thank God.
We stood up and I was holding Hyunjin by his arm in my shoulders.
"Hyunjin I didn't want to hurt you but you saved Sara the one that cursed you why?" king said anxious.
"She faced the same consequences as me so I know. Please listen to her. Everything is okay now. I know I made a lot of mistakes but I missed all of you and the kingdom. I missed being by your side. I missed being happy dad. Just accept me now with my past mistakes. I promise to make it up for everything." Hyunjin said weakly.
"I have never seen the kingdom so united until it was for saving you. Maybe they trust you again. And I really want my son back." he was crying.
Hyunjin went to him and hugged him. His mum came and Jisung went too.
"So can I took Jisung's place?" Hyunjin asked happy.
"Yes you can prince Hyunjin soon to be a king." his father smiled and hugged his sons.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें