Pure Evil and Six to go

Start from the beginning

"It's alright." She said and smiled at him.
"What? Really?" Carter said in surprise and Andrea chuckled.
"Yeah. It's okay. I have seen a change in you since the time we last talked and you have been trying to make yourself a better person. I don't know the reason.." She said and glanced at me. She knew the reason, "but whatever you are doing is good." She said and went inside shutting the door behind her. Carter looked at me with adorable eyes.

"That wasn't so bad." He said and I nodded.
"Yeah man. Having a pretty face really pays off." I said while walking towards his car.
"You think I have a pretty face?" He said and smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"Dude every girl in this universe knows you have a pretty face." 
"Still, it matters more when you think that." He said and we took off to the next destination.
"One down, six to go." I said and we drove to the next destination.

Two hours later, we were standing outside my home after being done with all the apologies. To say that we had mixed responses would be an understatement. When we went to the Leah's home, she forgave Carter right away before could even say anything and immediately later, she asked him if he wants to have sex with her again. Her mood escalated really quick and she basically gave him a lap dance. He got so uncomfortable, I had to butt in and that's not easy when she was forcing her tongue down his throat. Exactly opposite happened with Amelia. Before Carter could speak up, she basically shouted at him for being a pain in the ass and other curse words and punched him, really hard. Not as hard as me but it was very terrifying. I held her back and pulled her away from Carter. He ran to his car, his hand on his nose and as soon as he ignited the car, I pushed Amelia away and ran towards the car. We saw Amelia running frantically towards us and I practically jumped in the car. I didn't even close the door and Carter took off. I was genuinely scared for my life. When we drive about a mile away from Amelia's house, I asked Carter to park the car.

"What is it?" He said, his voice laced with concern. I love how much he care about me.
"Gray, I am convinced that you are a better person. We can end this now." I said. I like how much effort he was putting into all this and he really took a step forward. It was enough for me and I didn't want him to get hurt. He sighed and looked at me sadly.
"Claire, I am glad that you believe in me now but this is not just about you anymore. I have to mend the mistakes I made. Those girls won't believe another guy if I don't clean up the mess I made." He said and before I knew it, I hugged him tightly.
"You are an amazing guy Carter." I said and we drove off again.

Out of the ones that were left, some of them were very understanding like Andrea, but were not happy about how Carter treated them which was fair. I had to explain Carter's side of the story and it took some time but they seemed convinced in the end. We were standing in my driveway laughing at the crazy things that happened today. It all felt hilarious by the end of day when everything went smoothly. 

"Do you think I should have sex with Leah again? She seemed interested." He said and I smacked him on his head.
"Boys will be boys." I said and laughed at him. 
"Hey so, do you have to go back now or would you like to have some milkshakes?" He asked and I grinned at him.
"You know what goes in my head, Gray." I said and he took me to the nearest café. We sat on a booth beside the window and ordered two chocolate milkshakes without whipped cream. 
"My dad used to take us here sometimes." I said after we ordered and Carter looked at me with surprise. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I am opening up to you. I can stop if you are not comfortable." I said.
"Are you kidding? Please go on. I want to know more about you, good and bad parts." He said encouragingly. I sighed looking at him and continued.
"So, my dad was a crappy father since the beginning. He never came home in time and I barely saw his face. He used to go to his work before I woke up and used to come back home after I slept so you can guess it wasn't good for me. Mom and dad used to fight a lot; you would think it would be about work or something important but it never was. They always bickered about small stuff and with time, the resentment grew until either of them and both me and my sister couldn't take it anymore." Carter raised his eyebrow and I sighed.
"Yeah, I have a sister, six years older than me. She knew dad was wrong in most of fights but she was sympathetic towards him, maybe because she was very much like him. Don't get me wrong, my dad is a nice guy and so is my sister but my dad just doesn't know how to take responsibility of being family member." I sighed and looked outside the window. I felt a soft touch on my hand. I looked down to see Carter making small circles on the back of my hand. I visibly calmed down.
"You don't have to..." Carter said and I smiled sadly.
"I mean, there's nothing left to tell. You would think that something big happened must have happened for me and my dad to grow apart but really it was just these small stuff. It just bundled up, one day after another. Since my sister was much older than me, when she left home for higher study to a different state, I used to hear my mom and dad shout at each other at night. They thought I would be asleep but they were too loud. I heard many many things that an eleven year old should not but I kept everything inside. Few years later, I was awake when my dad came home and he was in a very bad mood. They again had a fight but dad escalated it. He slapped my mom and before I could process what I was doing, I slapped him too." I said and he stared at me for about three seconds and then chuckled. I gave him a are-you-serious look but he just ignored me.
"I am sorry Claire but what you did sounds about right." 
"What do you mean?"
"What you did was right. He sounds like a bad father not a bad person but he crossed the line when he chose violence." He said and stood up to sit by my side. He put his hand on my shoulder but stopped midway.
"May I?" He asked and I nodded. He pulled me close and I was honestly glad he did.
"Mom filed for divorce the next day and we never talked to him again. My sister doesn't know anything about this incident and we want to keep it that way." I said and he kissed my head.
"That's fair. No need to make her worry and dig up old dirt when there's nothing that needs to be done anymore." He said and I hummed in silence.

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