"How very pragmatic." I replied casually. "What's the vibe like?" I said looking at Hugo and Hugo stared back at me with amusement.

"Argentina is hard to persuade." He replied casually. "They don't agree that every country should pay for their own damages. They want Chili to pay them for the damages." I gave him a curt nod. "Behind closed doors it is very clear that everyone is petrified of another war, mainly because they know that we are pulling the strings. They're petrified of us."

"As they should." I said calmly as I took another sip of the wine. "This is splendid wine." I said looking down at the glass.

"I thought so too." William replied and I couldn't help but smile at that a bit as I looked at him and he gave me a wink.

"Grumpy goose tonight or?"

"Mildly-grumpy." He replied casually as he looked ahead. "They're scared of me without my pokerface, so why be grumpy?"

"Good." I replied as I looked ahead again. "What's the story on the US-presidency?"

"They came to us asking what we would feel most comfortable with. They are deeply sorry for everything that has transpired during the war and want to make it up to us in any way. We told them to abolish the 2-party system. Every state now has to vote 2 representatives. The 100 representatives then decide on a president together. She came out of it."

"And?" I said looking at her, as she was talking to the British Prime Minister.

"She was the strong opponent in the Senate during Jason's presidency." Hugo replied and I nodded slowly. "We like her."

"Good." I said with a small sigh as I stared ahead. "How is X-F doing?" I said looking sideways at Trevor whom was staring ahead with tears in his eyes. He blinked and looked at me, but the moment he did, I looked away.

"All still very much alive." Trevor replied casually and I nodded slowly at that.

"Hows your heart?" I said taking another sip of the wine and I could just feel him frowning. "This must be a security logistical nightmare. I know how angsty you get during logistical nightmares."

"O. It's ok." Trevor said and I nodded slowly at that. "We told them if any representative of a country decides to act, we'll bomb the shit out of that country."

"Sounds appropriate." I replied with a small smile.

"I thought so too." Trevor said and I nodded.

"How is Locatlie doing?" I asked William.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said and I couldn't help but smile at that as I looked at the Russian President, whom was staring at me with that disgusting look that made me want to barf. "Highest economy. We have highered the tariffs for everyone. The 452 people we lost, had a regal funeral and will have their names in the holy books." He said and I nodded slowly at that. I looked at the sisters of my kings and they were all talking amongst one another.

"I think this is the second time that I've seen Natalie actually wearing a dress."

"It looks amazing indeed." Hugo confirmed and I took another sip of my drink.

"I'm going to talk to Natalie and Jasmine for a bit." I said and I stood up and my husbands all looked at me shocked, but they weren't actually going to stop me. I pushed the chair back and then put it back on its spot, something totally unregal like. Lucas, Steven and Simon all looked at me with their cute smiles. "It's great to see the three of you again." I said, putting my hand on each of their shoulders.

"Thank you, my queen." Steven said and I nodded as I walked down the steps of this dramatic stage and everyone looked at me now but then looked away, wondering what I was going to do. I walked up towards the standing table with the sisters and all their loved ones. They all didn't dare look into my eyes, but they did look at me. I walked past some of them and went towards Jasmine.

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now