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As I stood in the middle of the courtroom, standing bare for everyone to see, they cast the die of fate. The silence became deafening as I stared blankly at the Judge while calm rage boiled as my fate dawned upon me.

This is unfair.

My triumphs, my accolades, meant nothing as my colleagues cast judgment. They stripped away my identity as I heard the muffled smirks emanating from the 'witnesses' at the stand.

My father is not even here to defend me. This was an open-and-shut case as my voice was being bound against their books as they presented their foiled evidence.

They are despicable.

"Do you have any last words?" The Judge asked coolly. "You conspired against the Council. Went against their orders. Caused countless lives and souls to be lost in the void, only to start a purge from within, inciting panic."

I gritted my teeth.

"You cast judgment against one of our own... a Speaker." The Judge paused. "Your inability to take accountability for your actions adds to your long list of egregious offenses. Even if the Ancients suddenly showed you mercy, it would change nothing." The Judge stood up and pointed at me. "Your sentence is your exile. Gone from our gates. Never to return. Not to reincarnate. As you continue to suffer, never live the life of immortality. Doomed to repeat the lessons you never cared to learn yourself!"

I grimaced and erupted into a boisterous laugh.

I do not care anymore.

The Judge stood there puzzled as I continued to let my laughter echo throughout the grand hall.

"Yes, I have something to say. Thank you for asking." I smirked. "You are all cowards for refusing to repent of your form of malice, and yet, I became the unfortunate scapegoat for simply speaking the truth." I stared at the Judge. "You all orchestrated this, but... it is a loss. However," I combusted into an ivory flame, letting it consume me. "Who are you deciding my fate?"

An audible gasp escaped from the witnesses as the Judge watched me burn in horror.

"I am not who you all think I am." Ambient flames surrounded the essence of my being, burning me. Toxic and exhilarating. I continued with my deranged conclusion as my wings burned out of my bare back as I got engulfed with the white flames. Excruciating pain, how much it made me feel alive.

The Judge looked at me with disgust. "Sacrilege!" He yelled. "You are destroying yourself to deny the atrocities you have committed. End this! Now!"

The white flames surrounded the court, preventing anyone from getting near me, afraid of being engulfed by them.

"I am the commander of my destiny; not what heaven wills it." As I responded, I gave an apathetic laugh. "I am not your divine being who will be at your mercy to cast discernment whose suffering you had caused." The Judge stood nearby as he watched me getting consumed by the ivory flames, speechless by my choice of actions as I continued to burn.

As I shouted with joy, I felt a passionate rancor boil inside. "I am the one who you all cursed my existence and my name. I am the one who will make you all suffer, for I have suffered since you all refused to walk amongst man."

"Silence!" The Judge commanded, with fear emanating from his voice.

I smirked, masking my pain while it consumed my entire existence as my conscience drifted away. "You will reap what you all sowed." I gasped as I let out my last shout. "Justice is not my name... for I am the retribution you all deserve." 

Music: Void of Sleep- Unfair Judgement

Justice Is Not My NameWhere stories live. Discover now