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Darvin's fingers traced the outer hull of the vessel as he roamed around the spaceship. When he made a full circuit of the craft, he knocked his knuckles against the fuselage. Darvin wrung his hands and scurried across the warehouse to Rylan. "You weren't kidding about the size of these ships."

Rylan rubbed his jaw while his foot tapped the warehouse's floor. "If I recall correctly, single seaters were all that I promised for your pilots." Rylan ran his fingers through his hair and grinned. He gripped his quivering leg, stopping its motion. "I trust they're able to pilot those."

"Capable?" Darvin's massive shoulders climbed while his lips contorted. "Yes, but they won't enjoy the flight."

"Unfortunately, their ability is the only pertinent factor."

With a shake of his head, Darvin lifted the pack and withdrew a tablet. He slipped the bag's strap over his shoulder and activated the device. He flipped through the documents and opened the schematics for the vessel. As his gaze climbed up, he tapped the tip of his nose. "Are all the coffins the same model?"

With a snort, Rylan strode to Darvin and lifted the pad. "Everything you need is detailed in these files, but yes, all three ships are identical."

"Let's see what kind of mess they volunteered for." With a sigh, Darvin resumed his examination of the inventory. After a few moments, Darvin's eyes widened, and he stalked to the far side of the ship, returning the pad to the pack. His fingers ran along the edges of a panel, catching the latch. Flicking it up, Darvin pulled the covering away and shoved his head into the opening. While his hands explored the innards, a devilish grin emerged. "While these ships are tiny, at least you didn't skimp on the amenities."

"What are you talking about?"

Darvin emerged from the hatch and patted the fuselage as his eyes lingered on the cockpit. "You paid top dollar for the best hibernation system."

Rylan's lips curled into a grin as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "I wasn't keen on that upgrade. You can thank Garvin for that addition."

Darvin slapped the hull as his eyes drifted to the rear of the craft. "What about the engines? Long stretches with stasis, even this model is dangerous for these coffins."

"While Garvin focused on amenities," Rylan placed a hand against his chest. "I pushed for the latest generation of engine." He gestured towards the vessel's stern. "Thanks to those, it'll be a brief jaunt. But the files will explore every detail you could imagine."

With a click, Darvin secured the hatch and ambled toward the engines. "Do you mind if I examine them?"

"Please do."

Darvin's fingers searched the rear and popped off another panel. He laid the section of hull down and yanked the built-in ladder toward the floor. When the feet clanged onto the ground, he climbed up and examined the machinery. With a hearty laugh, Darvin grabbed the hatch's side and leaned past the edge as his grin spread. "Are these flying coffins able to power these workhorses?"

Rylan nodded.

"Then these are impressive." Darvin pulled himself back to the opening. "These alterations must have cost you a fortune. If you're trying to keep this operation quiet, you're going about it wrong considering the flashy purchases."

Rylan smiled as he sauntered over to the craft and tapped the ship's hull with his knuckles. "Fortunately, one of Garvin's businesses is creating ships."

"Hah!" Darvin jumped off and slammed the ladder into place. He lifted the engines' panel and carried it over to Rylan. "Did Garvin obtain that business recently?"

With a lopsided grin, Rylan grabbed the section of the fuselage and reinstalled it. "No, Garvin's owned that company ever since Liam's little group shifted our focus away from the platforms."

Darvin pulled the pad out of his bag and closed the schematics. He thumbed through the files and opened the inventory. Darvin turned the screen towards Rylan as his lips curved into a smirk. "You shipped all the supplies to a central building?"

"I figured you could dole out the gear."

Darvin's eyebrows rose as he tapped the tablet against his cheek. "You're not attempting to trick me into accepting one of these coffins, are you?"

Rylan's nose flared as he took a long breath and slammed his palm onto the vessel. "You made your position quite clear."

"Uh-huh," Davin muttered as he banged the device against his thigh. "I don't exactly possess the connections to deliver their equipment?"

Rylan rolled his head and pulled a smaller tablet from his jacket and slapped it into Darvin's open hand. "Here's the contact for a discrete transportation company." His hands flew back into his pockets as he leaned against the hull. "Just make sure they don't see the ships while they're dropping off your goodies and widgets."

Darvin looked around the warehouse as he licked his lips. "If you're planning on keeping these flights secret, how will our pilots get these space coffins off the planet when they are ready to embark?"

"Everything our people need to start their missions, including their initial take off is on the first pad."

Darvin pocketed the small tablet and flicked through the files.

Rylan's finger tapped the screen. "Check the last file and ensure these pilots understand each line."

"I'll make certain they know the instructions by heart." Darvin dropped the device into his pack and leaned against the ship. "How quickly do you want them to start?"

Rylan pushed off the vessel and strolled toward the exit. "The sooner they leave, the better. Just ensure they follow every step of that last document."

Darvin bounced the tablet off the fuselage and sauntered to the front of the vessel, gripping the canopy's hatch. With a whistle, he opened the cockpit and dropped the tablets inside. "I'll have them ready within a week."

"That'll work for me." Rylan ambled out of the warehouse, letting the door slam shut.

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