02_The beginning

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I jolt awake at the terrifying sound of the alarm. After almost smacking the thing into pieces, I snuggle back into my warm sheets and shut my eyes.

"Nuh-uh! Not happening!" The soft voice interrupts me, pulling away from my blanket. "Wake up, Layla."

"Go away," I mumble, trying to get back to sleep but I was already awake. 

"You do realize summer's over and school's beginning today, right?"

I know. But the temptation to not leave my comfort zone was far more.

"Laylaaa. Layluuu. Layleeee. Wakie wakie."

I grumble under my breath and roll around to see Luke beaming at me, already showered and dressed in his usual oversized shirt and jeans. His blond curls grew over the summer and fell over his forehead making him look even more adorable. 

His huge round glasses slide down the bridge of his nose as he squats down to slip on his converse shoes.

I huff and sloppily walk down to our bathroom and lock myself in there, dreading going back to school.

The world never treated omegas better. The weak and minority always had to fend for themselves or just simply bend down to their clutches to survive. 

It wasn't until thirty years ago that The Great War happened which left its effects even till this day. An entire race was wiped out. But they say it was for the betterment of everyone.

It was then that the betas came into power, broke down the hierarchy, and took things into their control, bringing in the government that existed today. But what about the omegas? They were either the war casualties or the weak who existed only to continue the human population. 

And things were worse if you were an omega who not only was broke but also had no parents and no support. 

But mulling over the same things never did me any better, so I pushed those thoughts away and forced myself to stay strong. I had to because otherwise, they'd just never let you live in peace. At least I had Luke who was my only person in this entire world.

"Are you done yet?" His soft murmur echoes through the bathroom door.



We're slowly but steadily getting into the plot.

Do show your love!


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now