Chapter 2

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"Shit did I say that aloud?" She said keeping her head down.

"Yes. Yes you did!" I hollered. "Oh my god are you really serious? A gay club?"

She whacked me over the head and then said: "Shut up before Natalie or one of them here you."

"Ok. Ok," I whispered. "But are you really serious? Or you're just joking."

"I'm serious, but you can't tell anyone."

"Ok, I won't," I replied. "Which club?"

San Francisco had many, and I mean many gay clubs.

"Jungle," She simply said and began walking into the garden.

"The one near Beacon Hills?"

"That's the one. And I mean it, don't tell anyone. Not even your little friends," She told me as if I was stupid.

I rolled my eyes at her and then responded, "Girl how stupid do you think I am?" She made a funny face and then shrugged her shoulders. Like who does this girl think she is? She's done way more things that I clearly have.

Besides I know better than to trust these hoes. Sarah's really the only person that I trust in this world. My mom of course, but to a certain extent. I have lots of friends in school (Thank God none of them know I'm gay). Do I actually trust them? C'mon I think you know me better than that by now.

My dad's another story. He and I are no way in any shape or form the stereotypical father and son. He's done some things that he's not proud of as I as well have done. He didn't even accept me when I came out. The man basically shunned me. He said a lot of mean nasty things and I obviously countered those words too (What? Did you think that I wasn't gonna defend myself?). He also cheated on my mother, but that's something I don't really want to get into that right now.

But now we're slowly working on things.

I don't know if we would ever be close again though. I'm not gonna try to start up a relationship with him. He's the parent and I'm the child; it's not exactly my job you know. Sometimes he'd wanna go out with me and do stuff. I'm just really busy a lot and he is too.

Our specified times are never exactly on the right path. Plus, there's days that I just wanna lay in my bed, under the covers, scrolling through tumblr. What? Don't judge me, you know you do it to. I have 0 shame. He works deep in the heart of LA and we live in Woodsboro, Cali. which is like 100000000000000000000 miles away.

But anyway lets get back onto topic. I've been wanting to go to Jungle since like forever, and forever is a long time if you weren't aware.

"Fine, I'll just ask Natalie," I told her.

"Naaattaaaalieeeee," I said as I walked around looking for her.

"I thought you weren't a morning person..."

I found her in the living room sitting down on our grandmother Whitney's old rocking chair.

"Yeah, I'm not, but once I'm up I'm up," I told her as if that made sense.

"I can't take you to school I have things to do," She said moving her hair to the other side of her head.

"You too?" I said and started walking towards the window.

"Mom and Dad are not leaving until 9," She told me. "It's already 7:40 by the way."

IS SHE SERIOUS? I honestly don't know why time flies so fast before and after school, but when you're actually there it just goes by so slow. Why? WHY?

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