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The end was near, and they knew it.

There was nothing to do but watch.

Watch everyone you love die, everything you've ever known disappear forever. It was the end. After everything they did. They'd slain Titans and giants, battled monsters of unimaginable strength, and even killed the most powerful force there ever was; the earth.

But the end was coming too fast.

Mountains erupted, earthquakes destroyed entire cities, volcanoes exploded to an extent, killing thousands of innocent mortals with its fiery breath.

No one could stop it, not alone.

But there was still a chance. A small hope that grew in seven forgotten demigods. A quest they'd taken, one that didn't involve getting rewards, or even coming back alive. With all the chaos, themselves and the quest were far from forgotten. They'd been removed from all hope, no one believed any more.

No one, except themselves. And they weren't about to give that up.

Because when you're fighting for the lives of every living person on the world, there's nothing in the heavens above that can stop you. Not when you have someone fighting by your side.

And in this case, there were seven demigods, fighting side-by-side.

The End (After the Blood Of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now