Tom relaxed once he heard snoring coming from Nick's side of the bed. He stretched his legs out and rolled over to where his face was almost touching Nick's shoulder. He was too tired to care though. His eyes closed and his mouth parted as he slipped into a slumber.

An hour or so passed, and Tom started getting restless in his sleep. His sexual frustration was making itself known in his dreams. He began softly moaning, missing the feel of Jake's touch.

He unconsciously slid his hand up underneath Nick's shirt, resting it on his abs. Nick was a heavy sleeper, so he didn't feel anything. Tom then began lightly kissing his shoulder. "Jake." He moaned. He was no doubt having a wet dream at this point.

Daisy, who was still rehearsing lines noticed the moans and movements coming from the boys' bed. She looked up from her script and her mouth dropped when she fully took in the scene.

"Nick." She whispered from her bed. "Nick."

Nick started stirring in his sleep, he heard someone calling his name but didn't want to acknowledge it.

"Nick!" She whisper yelled, loud enough for him to hear.

He jolted awake, and looked around the room. He rubbed his eyes. "What Daisy?"

"Look." She said pointing at Tom.

Nick looked down, and wasn't sure what to do. Tom was gently rubbing his hand up and down his chest, and softly kissing his skin. It made him uncomfortable, knowing that they were both taken. He decided to try and wake him up.

"Tom." He said nudging him. "Wake up."

Tom's eyes fluttered open, and he immediately noticed his hand placement. He quickly sat up, and moved farther away from Nick. He kept his head down, trying to control his blushing.

"What was that-"

"Nothing, sorry." He apologized quickly.

"Are you sure?" Daisy asked, pushing him over the edge. "You were-"

"It was an accident okay?" He snapped. "Just drop it!" He got up out of the bed, and made his way to the balcony. He leaned over the railing, taking in deep breaths. He was close to having another panic attack. He inhaled for three counts, and then exhaled for three counts, just as he does when he's with Jake.

Daisy and Nick looked at each other dumbfounded. They agreed on giving him a minute before deciding to talk to him. Daisy went out first.

"Hey killer." She said, shutting the patio door. "You good?"

Tom inhaled sharply. "I don't know why I'm like this," he started, "we've done long distance before."

Daisy turned her head to this side. "You mean, you and Jake?"

Tom nodded his head. "I've been having a hard time handling my..." his voice lowered, "sexual urges." He started cracking his knuckles out of anxiety. "It's never been this bad."

Daisy didn't know what to say. She was the last person one would want to confide in about relationship advice. She rested a hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes shit just happens."

He chuckled. "Yeah, it does."

"I'm sure this is only temporary. You'll figure it out." She patted his back and walked away. "Is it okay if Nick talks to you?" She added in.

"Yeah, it's cool." He gave her a lazy smile.

It took a few moments for Nick to come out. He just wanted to make sure to give him enough time to calm himself. "Hey bud."

GyllenHolland: Chaos Walking Where stories live. Discover now