Chapter 8

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Aoi's POV

We are about to go back in the communications but suddenly Orenji stopped, I looked at her and I saw her eyes are wide open and said "Sakura??". My eyes widened and look where she is looking but I saw nothing, then I remember when she said that she can see ghosts.. "what??"

"Sakura.." I look at Orenji who started to cry, "orenji.." I grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me "you.. you can see Sakura??" I asked trying to hold back my tears. "Yes" she cried, "does this mean..." I tightened my grip on her shoulders and look down "yes she is dead. I failed to save her" she crouched down and cried.

I look to where she was looking earlier, "Sakura? Sakura??" I slowly stepped forward "where- where are you??" My eyes became watery.

Sakura's POV

Seeing them crying hurts me. I can't bare to see them crying like this, I feel like 1 million daggers stabbed me.. I feel like millions of thorns are on my heart. "Sakura? Sakura??" I  looked up and saw Aoi slowly stepping forward "where- where are you??" I saw his eyes starting to get watery.

No.. don't cry..

"Are.. are you really here?" He started to wonder around like a blind person


"Where are you?" Tears starting to fall down from his eyes to his cheeks

I'm here.. infront of you

"I'm sorry I failed to save you" he cried

No, it's fine.. please don't cry

"I'm sorry" he is infront of me.. Crying.. he crouched down and sobbed. I also crouched down, i tried to touch him but my hand just went through his body.

No it's really fine..

I hugged him. He cried and started to wonder around again. "I can't see y'all like this" I cried.

Orenji's POV

I failed.. I failed to save her. My best friend.. is dead.. I can't.. suddenly memories flashed infront of my eyes.


3rd person's POV

"Orenji!! I know you can do this!! I know you can make friends in your new school!" Sakura stated happily, "No!!! I can't! I wanna stay with you" Orenji sobbed. "Orenji, even if I'm not with you I know you're strong! I already told you what to do if someone approached you right? Be strong okay? Hm?" Sakura said then hugged orenji.

"Shhhh don't cry"


Right... I need to be strong. We still have to do so many things, we also have ki here.. they can still help us.

I looked up and saw Aoi on the ground, wondering like a blind person.. crying.. Sakura hugging him while crying. "Damn.. this scene hurts" I thought to myself. I looked at to my left and saw ki looking on the ground, "ki" he looked at me "yeah?" He replied.

"We need to move... We can't cry right now. Our lives are still in danger" I stated, I looked at Aoi. I stood up and walked towards Aoi, "Aoi.. Sakura will be with us. Don't worry she will help us.. we can't cry right now, we need to move" I stated and he looked to me "yeah.. right.." he stated while standing up, wiping his tears. "I'll kill that Glitch and Grey.. for killing Ki, and.. Sakura. For all they did" he added.

"I'm with you.. we are all with you. Now lets go to the communications and tell them what Ki saw.. and about Sakura" I said. "Sakura, will you help us?" I asked, "yes. Ofcourse" she replied, I smiled. "What did she said?" Aoi asked "she said she will help" I look at him and smiled, "Ki and sakura, can you find shiro and asura?" I stated. "Sure" Sakura and ki said in unison then disappeared, "let's go" I said then speed walking to communications "I wish I can see ghosts too.." Aoi stated.

"I'll help you see her.." I said "you can open people's third eye?" Aoi asked. "Well.. I saw my parents did that multiple times so.." I replied "ohh.. that's why you also have those kind of books?" He asked "yeah.. I read it all when I was a kid, I don't read it now cause alot of people told me i was weird" I replied "don't mind them, it's not weird tho.. it's even helpful" he stated. "Hmm.. yeah" I smiled

Shiro's POV

I'm looking at the screens in security, "where are you Grey.." I gripped the desk. "You looking for Grey hm?" Somebody spoked behind me, "I know it's you Glitch" I grit my teeth "woah, you already recognized my voice AHAHAHHAHAHA" Glitch stated.

"I don't have time for your games" I looked at him
"Oh really? You're no fun shiro.." he smiled, I clicked my tounge "what do you want?" There is a bit of silence then he respond "what I want huh? Well... I want y'all to die and with that I can conquer the Earth" he smiled "you know we won't let you right?" I stated, "yeah, that's why I'll kill you one by one.. starting with you" with that he dashed in to me, Luckyly I dogged but he managed to scratched my face. I kept dodging his attacks, I found an open area and attacked him with a knife.

It.. it didn't work.. what?.. "huh? AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA you thought that will work? How foolish of you" tsk..

"But this will work" I saw Asura sliced Glitch's arm  "AGHHHH" he screamed "ASURA!!!! you'll pay!" With that he vanished like how Grey vanished earlier. "Thanks.." I stated "you're already so messed up" she said and give me her hand "I know.. ugh.." I grabbed her hand, she helped me stand up.

She grabbed Glitch's hand on the floor, she sliced the sharp claws and made it a knives. She walked towards to me and gave me one of the knives, "here, take this.. it can damage Glitch. But can't damage him as much as this knife of mine do, but still can help. I'll give your friends one too so they can protect themselves" she said, I grabbed the knife "thank you.. thank you for everything" I stated. "No problem.. and also my duty is to catch Glitch, I'm also at fault.. I didn't watch him so that's why he got out of his cell.. sorry for that" she replied.

"He is dangerous.. and with Grey with him.. tsk" I said.

Ki's POV

I'm looking to Sakura every 5 seconds.. don't get the wrong idea. I'm just worried about her.. she's my friend anyways. "Hey Sakura.." I started the conversation, "hm?" She looked at me. "You did die because of lack of oxygen right?" I asked "yeah, I tried to not breathe so much so I can last longer.. it did work but the oxygen tank only have half oxygen in it.." she replied looking down, "what? They did gave you a full tank.. what do you mean?" I stopped walking and look at her "..maybe Grey switched it to half tank.." she stopped walking and looked at me.

"Why didn't you say the truth?" I asked "it's because...." She looked down again while playing with her fingers, "it's because they threatened me.. that if I don't do what they say they will kill y'all... But I guess even if I did that they will kill y'all either way.." she sighed. "I'm sorry I'm weak.. I'm sorry... I was too scared.." she sobbed, I hugged her "it's fine Sakura.. everyone will also be scared.. we still can help them even if we are dead, thanks to Orenji" I look at her and smiled.

"Yeah, thanks to her" she also smiled "let's go and find Shiro and Asura" with that we roam around the whole ship and ended to Security. "They are here!" Sakura stated, "let's write them a letter to go to the communications" Sakura added "okay" I replied. "This will be creepy but..." I slide the paper at the door, "what's this.." I heard Shiro speaking "go to the communications, everyone are in there.... ki & Sakura.. ki??? And Sakura?? What???" Shiro said confused.

"Let's go to orenji now" I stated and did speed walking..

"Ki.. long time no see"


Word count: 1370

Hi guys! Hope y'all like this chapter, I had trouble writing this chapter since there are drama and fight scene. Anyways I have no motivation to do the next EP in YT:") but I'll try.. anyways see you in the next chapter<3


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