49. Adventurous fantasies.

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Not having the heart to tease her more I smiled, sitting beside her still laid down body. She looked still confused as hell. She was sleepy and then I woke her with a pillow fight and then left her like this. I am a horrible man!

"No bache, you didn't do anything wrong. You can never. I stopped because aap tired ho baby. I don't want you fainting or loosing consciousness. I want you well rested." I kissed her forehead and then her lips. She smiled back making me take a breathe of relief.

"You want to go aight seeing or soemthing?" I asked rubbing her cheeks with my thumb. She nodded back. Inhaling deeply, I stood up and went to the closet. Taking the bathrobe in my hand I walked back to her.

"Come." I gave her my hand and made her stand. Wrapping the bathrobe around her I tied it on her her stomach.

"Go shower and then we'll eat something and go do some adventurous things." I placed a kiss at her lips. She stepped closer and hugged me. I let her be in my arms for a while and then she moved to the bathroom.

The door bell ringed and I walked out of the door with a tshirt. On the way I put the tshirt one and opened the door for the cook. He smiled at me and went to the kitchen and I went to the other room to take a quick shower.



We had a fun day today. We went to the local market of the Male city. Enjoyed local food, went to some historical places but my husband got bored and we left from there in minutes. After roaming around in the city we finally decided to go a beach, to spend our evening there.

 After roaming around in the city we finally decided to go a beach, to spend our evening there

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"This is Hulhumale Beach." I let out a chuckle at the name.

"Which beach?" I asked again, loving the way he pronounced the name.

"Hulhumale." We both chuckled at the same time. Manik let the driver know that we would have our dinner here and we'll call him once we're ready to leave. The sun was just about to set and people were crowding here to see the sunset. We both wanted some peace so we started moving away towards the corner of the beach.

"Wanna remove your sandals?" My husband asked. I nodded and he helped me with the string of the gladiators and removed his own slippers as well. Hand in hand, in front of the setting sun and moving waves of the sea, we walked barefoot as the waves of our love were heard by both of us without even saying words.

"Can I ask you a question?" I moved my hand out of his and held his biceps, he looked at me and nodded.

"What if in near future... Mukti and Abhi has something between them... I-I mean some sort of relationship or something. How will it affect our relationship?" I asked. He let out a small chuckle and settled down on the sand, pulling me into his lap.

"And why would it affect our relationship?" He smiled tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Umm.. because they are our siblings and we care about them...?" I bit down on lower lip. He pulled it back out with his thumb.

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