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     I want to lay down in the middle of everything

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I want to lay down in the middle of everything. Peacefully, without any reason either. I want to say goodbye and have everybody smile and wave goodbye to me. And allow my lover to stab me; to end me. That's how I want to die.

Not that I will die anytime soon.

Or that I want to die.

It's just a thought. A simple, enduring thought that will end all my years.

I smile and nod my head as Mr.Lee the headmaster of Dark Arts Academy For The Remarkable or for short DAAFTR. Manages to extract every information about me as we speak.

" How old are you, ms.Kim? "

" 17. "

" Is your real name Kim Valérie? "

" Yes. "

" How many siblings do you have? "

" Only child. "

" Ever done spells before? "

" Yes. "

" With whom? "

" My two aunts. "

" Where are your parents? "

I say nothing but stare at him as a way of saying I will not talk on this subject. He lays it down.

" Why do you feel the need to apply at this academy? "

I look at him, studying his face on what he may want me to say. I smile gracefully, " Because, I am strong. I will become a great advantage to this school. No other reason. "

Now he study's me, seeing any movement in my face as to where or why I could be lying. But I sit still, trying my hardest not to move a inch.

He sits down deeper into his chair. He must have more trust in me.

He nods his head, " Alright, if you manage to turn on this special candle, you may start here tomorrow. "

" I cannot. "

" Excuse me? "

" That candle is used for funeral's. If a witch or wizard is to lite it for any reason that isn't for a funeral then they're body's will start to decompose. You must treat it quickly on the witch or wizard or they will die. "

He smiles, " Terrific ms.kim, and what is the cure? "

" Simply a kiss. Kissing makes the body anew. So, the cure is a kiss. "

𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔-Kim SunwooWhere stories live. Discover now