10- The Camping Trip

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"He didn't!" I shouted while Blaise continued to haul me over where Pansy and Draco were standing.

"Blaise, enough!"

He let go of me and I straightened out my shirt while sending him an annoyed expression.

"I was in the middle of a conversation," I mumbled.

"We had to get into groups before some weird kid came up to us," Pansy explained.

"What if I wanted to go with the trio? You didn't even ask me if I wanted to come over here."

"We all know that you did, L/n," Draco said while smirking.

"Whatever, let's get the tent up."

With the help from the three Slytherins, we quickly set up the tent. The outside looked exceedingly small but once we went inside, I looked around in awe.

There was a small living room with two doors leading to two bedrooms. Pansy and Blaise flew into the door on the right and dropped their bags on the bed.

I sighed and walked into the door on the left while setting my bag down on the bed as well. Draco followed in right after me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"I'm staying in this room," he said.

"No you're not."

"We'll sort this out tonight."

I sighed and we walked out of the tent with Blaise and Pansy following after us.

"Time to go hiking through the forest trails!" Snape declared, earning a great big smile from Hagrid.

The "golden trio" walked up to us, much to the displeasure of Ron, and we all talked.

"How do you feel about the Beaubaxton and Durmstrang students?" Pansy questioned the group.

"Complete nutters," Ron muttered, earning an agreement nod from Draco.

"They all hate me," Harry said causing me to lightly laugh and the group to give me an odd look.

"They're okay," I stated, avoiding the awkwardness.

"I think they're quite fascinating. The worldwide cooperation is the point of all of this, right?" Hermione spoke up.

"They're fine," Blaise mumbled, holding Pansy's hand tighter.

"I don't think they all hate you, Harry," I said to him, ignoring the rest of my friends.

"Most of them do. They all think I put my name in the goblet. It's ridiculous how they all jump to conclusions and don't even bother to hear my side of the story."

"It's not only them. Hogwarts students did it too. I'm not saying that to make you feel bad at all but I'm sure you knew it — you're best friend doesn't even believe you."

"That doesn't make me feel better at all."

I chuckled while Ron and Draco aimed intense glares our way.

"Are you two jealous?" I questioned while smirking widely.

"Jealous of a girl who is practically dating a liar? Absolutely," Ron sarcastically said while earning a nudge from Hermione.

"Looks like you'll be sleeping with Potter tonight," Draco whispered in my ear, obviously annoyed at the two of us holding a simple conversation.

"Maybe if you didn't dump me I might've been happy to stay with you."

He raised his eyebrows like he was proud of me defending myself so I simply turned to face the rest of the crowd walking on the dirt trail.

Throughout the hike, Hagrid shouted every time a waterfall or small creature appeared in his line of sight. He seemed all too excited while the students, on the other hand, seemed to be getting extremely bored.

Blood to Love | 4th yearDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora