last minute

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For one week all good things she can think happen, her life is become so good that she forgot that she didn't from there. She is now allow to walk around in palace, she make some friends also whoever they can't talk much so her only source is Prince who get busier day by day, she understand fully.

One time queen make her seat in her for some talk.

"Kim jennie right" She asked again now with a smile but jen is more careful now with her behavior, bowing she answer back "yes my queen"

"Oh, just say mother, I am happy that you come in my son's life making his interest in things, he didn't do before but it's not what I want to talk, I want your help jennie" She asked, jen nod at her make her continues talking.

"From these 7 days now on, my son is going to announce king on his 21st birthday, I want to surprise him by setting his marriage to my friends daughter, we promise each other, chanyeol know her but always make distance but now after seeing you both, I thought it can happen now, help me to make them closer" Jen thought she never will be feel anything but her heart just stop, after realising her feeling, how can she help to some other, she want to cry so bad but containing to itself.

"I.. I do my best queen" She say with a small voice, queen quickly hug her praising her and how she get lucky like she is her own daughter.

The whole , bubbly and noisy jen is gone, sitting quite in front of one of big window, thinking hard .

"I think that was the girl in the necklace, chan he not talk to girls before, I don't think with his handsome face, oh who I am kidding, finding a Prince likes me but it's not possible, god.please make me back in my world, I can't see it in front of my face them getting together" She says sighing loud but flinch when someone seat beside her, she look who is it and get relief find him but look where she was looking before.

"Who are you talking about princesses" That one how much things change between them he being to sweet and gentlemen, can she kidnap him to bring him with her.

"You not talk much with girls, why is that" She asked quite, hiding her blush from his stare.

"I am talking to you then who say that I can't talk" He ask back, now in thinking.

"Chan, I am not from here and you know I have to go back, so what is going on we have to stop it" She says holds not cry in front of him, he make her seat to face him fully looking all the trace.

"Jennie, if we get apart, remember that I am the boyfriend, no other right and also tell me how are you going to back, you didn't tell me much about it" He says, remembering there talks.

"Ah, that I have to find out and oh god your birthday is coming, I didn't know you already is 20,wow I am only 18 " She pout at it, making him also do it like that. They both laugh at each other faces. But stop the stare continues.

"I don't want you to go away" He says, much opening, she at it let fall her tears, he close the gape by bring her close to him, her face in front of his.

Looking at with love eyes, she close her own and hold his shoulder when he touch his lips with hers.

First time not knowing much both them not move just stay like that but read about it so much she try new things moving slowly her lips, he follow after making it a perfect first kiss.

When they loss breathe make them apart touching from forehead, no one saying anything just savoring the moment.

"Je.jen I didn't do this to anyone please not misunderstood me" He says looks so pure, she thinks he not Prince, not the perv type who flirt girls in his town.

"I know by it happen, chan just don't forget me" She says and hug him tight, he return it as much as her.

"Never in my whole lifetime but please tell me when you left, remember I am your boyfriend" He says making her laugh and nod at same time.

The whole night she didn't sleep, so chan never left her making him sleep there, his close eyes, open mouth, she chuckle at it, tracing her finger on all his feature, first time she met she think he is much weird then her but now his acts making her stay wants her longer then she think.

At morning chan get up first, look at her sleeping, not care of where she is.
He cover her properly and get up to look at his parents.

"Mom, dad I want to talk something, please this is important so take in consider" He says, coming in their room, the king and queen look at each other. Nodded to make him continue.

"I want jennie only her no one," This makes the queen sit down properly and glare at the things she said about it to jen. The king is just confused why his son is so attract to that gal.

"We didn't know much about her chan, why are you want to risk things, i agree because you want her safely go back her home but now it's so much, it will never happen" She said strictly, the king now stand up and look at his son in threatened.
"But mother " He try to argue but get stop by his father.

"Enough, prince chanyeol, you both get it short out, I don't want anything on your throne ceremony, if I have to get ride that new comer then I will, hear your mother well, go and dress proper way" It's not first but he try, nod at it, but his luck not good because jennie hear it all hiding behind the door.

She decided at last minute, she going to escape from here because if not then she will be in danger , the king and queen didn't like her much and chan is also in their under , can't help her all time.

So how much you like this, try to make it romantic, I know, I can do better but please bear it I am new in writing it, thanks for always wait for updates, vote and support ❤

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