Kakashi's Afterlife Pt.4

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"You let my daughter fight in a war when she was pregnant?!" Tsusuri fumed.

Kakashi instantly got scared,"Nonono, we didn't even know. Of course not, I wouldn't have let her fight if we knew beforehand. We only found out after she jumped in front of some giant shuriken for me and almost died."

"You let my daughter jump in front of giant shuriken for you?!? She almost died?!?" Tsusuri got even madder.

Everyone was giggling at Kakashi's nervous interaction with his father-in-law.

"God, can we pretend like I never said any of that?" Kakashi said trying to save the situation.

"Hey better watch out, Tsusuri." Sakumo said as he slapped his son on the back,"He's the Hokage, he could make you disappear if he wanted!"

"Hokage, huh?" Jiraiya chimed in.

Sakumo literally couldn't get over his son's accomplishment, he was so proud.

"Do you have to tell everyone, dad?' Kakashi said, scratching his temple.

"Hokage?!" Tsusuri responded,"Well at least I know you're providing for my daughter and grandchildren, as any good husband and father should."

"R-right sir." Kakashi almost saluted the guy out of nervousness.

"Loosen up, Kakashi." Misaki said as she set Takeo down,"Tsusuri is just being an ass."

"Time to eat everyone! We have tables in the backyard!" Nozomi announced to the room.

Everyone started shuffling outside.

Takeo ran up to Kakashi,"Daddy, I don't want this food!"

"Picky eater, huh?" Kakashi asked his mother. She rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

Her and Sakumo started bringing the dishes and food out to the backyard for everyone.

Kakashi picked up Takeo,"Okay then, bud, tell me what your favorite foods are and we can make you something else."

He walked over to the fridge and opened it.

"Purple gwapes! And avocado! And cheese! And crackers! And juice!" Takeo said pointed to things in the fridge.

"You want me to make you a whole charcuterie board while I'm at it, Takeo?" Kakashi joked as he pulled out everything he wanted.

Kakashi chopped up some grapes, avocado, and cheese into bite sized pieces and filled a sippy cup he found in the cabinet with some cold apple juice. When he finished, he took the high chair from the dining table and brought it out to the gathering in the backyard and set it in the grass next to his chair.

Takeo started whining as he held his arms up for Kakashi to pick him up and put him in the high chair.

"Hang on a sec, Takeo, I gotta finish setting up your stuff." Kakashi said patiently as he dumped all of his food onto the high chair tray, exactly like he did when the twins were in this stage.

He then grabbed a small portion of rice and dished it out to him as well.

"No want rice!" Takeo kicked his legs.

Kakashi went further into dad mode as he spoke sternly,"Uh uh, no tantrums Takeo. You need to eat rice, there weren't any crackers. You need to balance out your meal a little more."

Nozomi was shocked that Takeo actually listened to Kakashi, as he pouted, but still started eating the rice with his fingers.

Kakashi sat to eat, looking around at the table at all the family and friends he had missed so dearly.

"Wait, where's Minato-sensei?" Kakashi asked since he didn't see him sitting next to Kushina.

"He went to get Obito and Rin to come over for dinner."

Everyone began passing around the food and filling their plates when Minato, Obito, and Rin walked through the back gate.

"Obi, Obi!!!!" Takeo yelled as soon as he caught sight of him, making Kakashi's heart melt.

Kakashi was happy with how his life with Tsuki turned out, he wouldn't trade it for anything. But this type of life, where his son could be surrounded by all the people he loved most was something he pictured for himself. He was overjoyed seeing it play out in front of him.

But he started missing Tsuki and the twins even harder.

"Hey little man!" Obito held out his hand which Takeo returned with a high five while Rin kissed the top of his head.

They all sat down and began eating together.

"So, Kakashi, I see you somehow ended up with one of Tsuki's Chojougan eyes?" Misaki asked.

"Oh yes!" Kakashi wiped his mouth, for some reason, he felt so comfortable around everyone he felt like he didn't need his mask at all,"You should have warned us Tsusuri. Did you know Tsuki was the reincarnation of Luna Kuraku?"

Tsusuri's eyes widened,"Did you find the moonstones?!"

Kakashi chuckled,"Yes, but not before the twins got ahold of them and literally died for a couple of hours. There was a man who revived the Ozawa clan, and he stole this eye from Tsuki and was able to use the Kaimetsu Chojougan. The curse mark Tsuki had didn't let her infuse chakra and so we stole the eye back and I used it instead to reseal the Kaimetsu and revive Kai and Kanari."

Tsusuri facepalmed,"You're right, I should have warned Tsuki. The last time I saw her before the reanimation jutsu was when she was only twenty-four or twenty-five years old and still had a few years to go before she would take over the clan. It was so long ago it didn't even occur to me that the twins could be the reincarnation of Kaito and Kirei. Tsuki was going to learn all of that when she officially took over the clan. Oh my god, I'm so glad it worked out Kakashi. Otherwise all three of your children might have been sitting with us right now."

"You got that right." Kakashi said with a sigh,"But I put a team in charge of finding a way to seal the moonstones in the children to keep that power under wraps so no one else could steal them and just before I died they figured out how to do it. So amidst all the grief, I hope Tsuki remembers to get that done.."

"I'm sure she will, Kakashi." Sakumo said,"If she's anything like the Tsuki I remember..."

Kakashi smiled at his dad,"You're totally right."

Everyone spent the rest of the evening reuniting, catching up, laughing, talking about old times, all in addition to Kakashi unabashedly bragging about his wife and children to everyone that didn't have a chance to meet them.

Eventually everyone packed up and went their separate ways, only this time the separation wouldn't be permanent.

Kakashi helped clean up the mess in the kitchen when Sakumo suggested something.

"Hey, why don't we four go stargazing tonight?"

"Yeahhhhhhh!" Takeo jumped into the air and did a spin, only his uncoordinated toddler feet made him fall on his butt to the floor, making Kakashi chuckle.

"Sounds great, dad. Come on Takeo, let's get your shoes on! I'll race you to the front door!" Kakashi said as he chased Takeo down the hall.

Sakumo and Nozomi lovingly watched the father and son interact with each other after having barely met for the first time a few hours ago.

"He's such a good father, Nozomi.." Sakumo whispered to his wife,"He's really taken control of the parenting since he got here. We haven't had to do anything!"

"Well, he had you growing up so I should hope he's a good father!" Nozomi whispered back.

"Ready to go, mom, dad?" Kakashi asked as Takeo crawled up his arm and onto his shoulders to sit.

Sakumo smiled,"Ready, son."

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant