Chapter One

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 I woke up this morning to my neighbors screaming as usual. I hated living here in this apartment but it's better than living with my parents. I got an apartment because I couldn't wait to get out of that hell hole with my parents. Now I'm stuck in a small apartment with neighbors who argue almost every other day and throw things at their walls. No wonder I never sleep well.

But on the bright side today one of my biggest dreams is coming true today I open up my very own bakery! I've always wanted to open my own bakery. It's been a dream of mine since I was a little girl.

My parents never approved of my dreams. They said they were silly and pathetic. They wanted me to become a lawyer, something more useful according to them. My grandma was the only one who supported my dreams. She always gave me hope and made me feel happier.

I remember I used to go over to her house every weekend because my parents would go out without me as usual. They never spent time with me and never wanted to when I asked them they treated me like a dog on a leash. However, my best memories were made with my grandma. We baked together and watched those competitive baking competition shows together whilst eating her amazing cookies. They were the best.

I told my parents about the opening of my bakery today so we could celebrate I even invited them to a nice dinner yet I still haven't got a response I wish they'd just support me and be there for me today yeah it wouldn't make up for my whole childhood but it'd make me feel a little happier.

I try to brush the thoughts running through my head when I hear a knock at the door. I run over to it and open it, seeing Clara standing there with a huge smile on her face.

"So are you ready today's the big day? Your dream is finally coming true. Did you tell your parents about today?" the thoughts begin to fill my head again "Yeah I'm excited and I told them they haven't answered." Speaking of the devil, my phone just got a new message and guess who it was from my parents.

Mom: We can't make it today. Your dad and I have more important plans.

Of course they aren't coming they don't care, never have what was I expecting I'm such a fool. I look over to see Clara who's staring at me "So who was that?"

"It was my parents saying they can't come." my eyes start to burn, and my vision starts to go blurry as I feel heavy tears filling my eyes.

"Oh of course those dumb fucks won't come you know what they can take their plans and shove it up their asses!"

Tears start streaming down my cheeks and soon enough I feel Clara pull me in for a hug Clara has always felt like a sister to me she has always been there for me I met her in my first year of college she was my dorm partner Clara is a bit different from me I wish I could be like her she's so confident and gets along with everyone meanwhile I'm a shy mess and barely can talk to people I don't know well.

Clara is the opposite from me. She's the girl who loves partying and going to the club while I'm the girl who'd rather play with puppies at the dog park. I remember when my parents first met Clara they were disgusted they told me I was hanging around a slut of course Clara didn't let that slide she ended up kicking them out of our dorm with a final farewell with her middle finger pointed up and a loud "Fuck you!" that echoed through the hallway.

I pull away from Clara, and she begins to wipe my tears "Ignore those fuckers Julia they're dumb as dumb can get you know what can you cancel those dinner plans?"

I nod with a confused look on my face "Why?"

"I'm going to take you to the club where you need to wipe those nasty old hags out of your mind for one night and celebrate yourself."

The club? I've never been to the club not once in my life and I don't even drink besides what I would wear? The thought of me going to the club makes my stomach sick from all of the nerves.

I look over to Clara who's looking at me for any sort of response "The club? Clara, I've never been to the club besides I have nothing to wear." Clara gives me one of those smirks that says she already has a plan in mind. "I've got something for you to wear, don't worry I've got ya covered Bae." Clara always calls me Bae always has it's just her nickname she has for me.

"Okay now that building is waiting to be opened so let's go!" A smile starts to break across my face as Clara grabs my hand and yanks me out the door and to the parking lot. The building isn't far from my apartment. That's one of the reasons why I chose this location for it so I could just finish work from the bakery and walk home.

I looked out the window to spot the building that was going to become my new bakery. I've never actually visited the building yet. The building was run down a bit with an old creaky door and walls with paint chipped off them. it definitely would need a makeover which I didn't need to worry about because Clara offered to help me decorate and paint the building.

However, I noticed besides my bakery was a dark and mysterious looking tattoo parlor the whole building was painted black and the open sign was barely lit with only the o and p lighting up. Clara parked the car, and we got out and ran to the place of my future bakery. "So what should we do for today because this place definitely needs some fixing."

I look at the windows that are dirty and empty and then remember the sticker decals I had made for my bakery with my very own logo on it.

"Actually let's start with these windows here one second." I walk over to my car and open the trunk and grab a rag and a bottle of window cleaner and toss it to Clara.

"Could you clean the windows while I get these sticker decals?"

"Sure thing Bae!" Clara scrunches up her nose and sticks out her tongue and laughs then turns back around to begin cleaning the old dirty windows. I focus back on finding those decals as I search my trunk. I hear a deep and husky voice behind me.

"What are you doing in my fucking spot?"

I turn around to see a very tall man glaring at me with his piercing green eyes. My heart begins to race as my eye's trace his body. He was wearing a blue bandana on his head that was pushing back his curls along with a slick back white t-shirt and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. My eyes looked at his arms which were covered in tattoos.

"Is this a joke to you?" the man said while glaring at me with his arms crossed over his torso.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't know this was your spot?" gosh I sound like a fucking baby I wish I could talk more like Clara she doesn't give a fuck about what comes out of her mouth and she is not afraid to be a bitch back.

"Are you being a smartass with me? I hate smartasses. They really piss me off." gosh damn what is his issue? It was a simple mistake I didn't know. "No- no not at all I didn't mean it like that I was just confused I'm new here I'm opening my bakery here."

"Well neighbor you better start parking in your own spot and stop stealing mine or else we're going to have issues am I clear?" he says in a stern tone whilst his eyes search my face. Shit this guy is going to be my neighbor?! He must be the guy who owns that dark looking tattoo parlor.

I nod quickly and sink further back near my trunk when the man turns around and starts walking towards the tattoo parlor. I quickly step away from my trunk and begin to search for the decals again when I see him look over his shoulder at me one last time before entering the tattoo parlor.

I spot the decals and grab them as I walk back over to Clara who is clueless of what just happened because she was jamming out to music the entire time however the windows are perfectly clean. Clara notices me and takes her earbuds out.

"So have you thought about the club?"

Even though as much as I didn't want to go to the club I had no choice it was either that or go home to my neighbors screaming at each other as I try to manage to watch The Notebook I love that movie yet I never manage to finish watching it because every time I try there's a loud screech from next door. I look over to Clara who is waiting impatiently with a grin on her face "Fine I'll go but just this time."


So what's your guy's first thoughts on this? This is my first time writing a dark fic. 

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