About this Story

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A Little Bit About This Story

Hello everyone. First, I want to thank you for reading and share a little bit of background information about this story to give you a little bit of context. I actually have been on the fence about putting this out there since yesterday but decided it seemed appropriate for the time.

This is kind of a cross-over story for two series I plan to release sometime in the next few weeks. It features a character from one I'm writing now, Brothers 'Til We Die, which will be kind of a regular world urban drama that features the lives of two friends from opposite sides of the tracks, so to speak. It also depicts a scene that will be in my new kind of Mystery thriller/prison drama series, The Thin Blue Veil. The primary themes here are truth, friendship, and loyalty, though also the world's lack of justice.

In some ways, it is a story within a story and perhaps many layers more as there is kind of many stories and characters referred to here. You'll witness a conversation between disgraced independent journalist Ben Jansen and newly elected Governor Jack Mason. Here they discuss the prospect of the journalist receiving a gubernatorial pardon for mistakes he made in the past, and the conversation gets heated.

Soon Ben will learn of a dark past that has haunted the governor but also spurred him to political success over the years, and they will discuss the meaning and value of old friends. The conversation then takes a turn that the journalist would never expect.

I also wanted to explain the Pride Month label I've applied to the story just for some clarity. One of the characters, Jack Mason, is asexual. I wanted to relay some of the struggles that they often can go through. Asexuals do not turn to sex, and many do not rely on romantic relationships for love, affirmation, and connection. Even so, they love just as intensely. They have just as strong a desire for connection, and those emotions can be just as strong even in entirely platonic relationships.

If you enjoy this story, I hope you will consider following me here on my Wattpad profile for more and supporting me with a vote. There will be plenty more to explore over the next few weeks, and I don't think that you'll want to miss it.

Thank you again to those who have supported me so far, and God bless.

If you have any questions feel free to hit me up in the comments.

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