You were too afraid to say goodbye, because if you did, you feared that it would be goodbye forever. You pressed a light kiss on Newt’s cheek, knowing well that it could be the last time you would kiss him.

“ The serum! I need the serum!” Minho shouted to Brenda who tossed him the serum.

Brenda rushed after you and Minho as you weaved your way through the city that was burning to the ground. People were falling to the floor left and right and your arm was scorched black because of an explosive. You couldn’t feel anything, your nerves must have burned off.

Another explosive went off, sending you and Minho to hide behind a car for safety.

“ Run. You need to find Newt and give it to him before-,” You shouted but before Minho could hand it over to you, you coughed up blood.

Your hands were shaking and your veins felt like they were on fire,” Minho! Go find Newt!”

You did your best to control your temper but you were feeling desperate. Minho looked down at the serum and back towards you,” I can’t. He...he said to give it to you.”

“ What? No, Minho I swear to god you need to find him!” You screamed as you grabbed a fistful of his shirt, practically snarling at him,” Get out of here! Now!”

You took in a deep breath, not knowing what came over you. You didn’t let go of Minho’s shirt but you did look at Minho with pleading eyes,” Please Minho, please. Let Newt live, chose Newt, not me. I love him.”

Minho leaned his head against the car and cried out, his fists balling up,” Don’t put me in this situation! I love b-both of you but I’m not letting you die. His last wish-”

“ Fuck his last wish, Minho! What about my last wish?! I’m asking you to do this one last thing for me. If you really do love me then save Newt.”

Minho took out the serum from his pocket and stared at it. He didn’t know who to listen to and he didn’t know who to save, but he knew no matter what, he would regret the decision for the rest of his life, no matter what he chose.

You knew Minho would choose you, you knew he would never go against Newt’s word. You saw your opportunity and you snatched the serum from his hands and sprinted away, leaving Minho screaming after you.

You ran as fast as you could, faster than when you got out of the box, faster than escaping through the maze and the scorch, faster than when you were chased by cranks and faster than lightning.

All you could think about was saving Newt and if that meant you would sacrifice your life for his, then so be it. You loved Newt and you knew that you couldn’t live in a world where he wasn’t there with you. You ran up a flight of stairs and saw Newt, your Newt, on the ground, fighting Thomas. Your heart was racing as you readied the needle and ran over to Newt.

You got closer, trying to ignore Newt’s grunts and sank the needle deep into his neck, praying that you hit a vein. You injected Newt and watched him fall to the side, his body going limp.

You felt your legs give up from underneath you, your body starting to shut down. It was happening. You crawled over to Newt and pulled his body towards you, cradling his body. You started to cry, not because you were dying, but because you had guaranteed that the love of your life would live.

“ You’’re not immune,” Thomas said softly as he fell down on his knees next to you, tears pouring down his cheeks,” you sacrificed yourself for him.”

You smiled weakly and looked down at Newt as the black veins were fading from his body. You suddenly remembered your letter and you reached for your pocket, pulling out a piece of paper that was folded several times.

“ Promise me you’ll give this to him….when I’m gone.”

“ No! No Y/N, you’re going to be fine. Just give it to him when he wakes up-”

“ I’ll be dead! Okay? I’m dying Thomas, I won’t make it I-I can feel myself dying!” You shout, causing Thomas to flinch, your tone immediately softening,” I’m just hurts so much.”

You looked down at Thomas’s right hand, which held a gun. As your eyes went up to meet Thomas’s, he started to cry,” I can’t...I won’t let you.”

You stared back toward Newt, for the first time in months, he looked peaceful. You felt another jolt of pain rush through your body and you let out a heart-wrenching scream. Your body shook and you gritted your teeth so hard, you tasted blood.

Thomas looked away, he couldn’t stand seeing you in pain, but your screams were enough to haunt him for the rest of his life.

After the wave of pain left, you knew you only had moments to turn,” Give me the gun. I don’t have much time left Thomas- don’t let me turn into one of those things. Please Tommy, please.”

You were the first person Thomas met when he entered the maze and since he met you, he was always protecting you and putting your life before his. He felt like he had failed you. You were so young and you had so much life ahead of you. For him, he felt completely defeated because all he could do was sit there and watch you in pain.

Thomas’s sobs were growing louder by the second. He loved you like a sister and for you to ask him to end the was unbearable,” You deserved so much better in life.”

You couldn’t help but let a stream of tears fall down your face as Thomas handed the gun to you. The gun was heavy and cold and you never realized how foreign a gun felt like in your hand.

” I’ll say hi to Chuck, Alby, and Winston for you….they’ll be happy to hear from you.”

You brought the gun to your temple, your hands shaking and your sobs made your whole body shake even harder. You looked over to Newt one last time, your hands steading as you remembered how Newt would live.

You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath, pulling the trigger.

“ Dear Newt,
A lot has changed since the glade huh? I know I complained how much I hated being trapped within those walls but now, I miss it so much. I miss waking up early in the morning to the smell of Frypan’s cooking and I miss being able to read in my hammock when I had a day off. Most of all, I miss how innocent we were back then. Before we lost friends to Wicked and before we were faced with people wanting to kill us all day.
Even though we changed a lot since the glade, I never loved you less. Hell, I wake up every morning loving you more than the night before.I wish I was there with you. I wish I could see the type of man you are becoming. I wish I could just hold you one last time.
Tell Minho that he’s a good guy and that I am so grateful for having him in my life. He had to make a tough decision but he loved us both so much, I had to make it for him or else we both would’ve died.
Also, tell Thomas that he was like a brother to me and that he shouldn’t always have to fight for the greater good. If anyone needs a break, it’s the greenie.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t fall in love with you right when I came out of the box. You were a real twat at first. But then one day, you saved me from the maze and as you were patching me up, I just felt warm. It sounds stupid but I remember how it felt when I fell in love with you. My throat suddenly became super dry and my breathing was all over the place. It’s like my body knew I was falling in love and there was nothing I could do to stop the feeling you gave me.
Our love wasn’t meant to be. Don’t freak out Newton. I just mean that it wasn’t easy- it took a lot of hard work and determination but we chose each other when we were going through hell. We kept choosing each other even when times were tough and it felt like the world was against us. It wasn’t destiny or fate, in the end, it was just pure love and commitment. We earned our love and while our story didn’t have a happy ending, it doesn’t mean I didn’t love every single page we had together.
My hand is starting to cramp up so I’ll make this quick. All I want for you is to be happy and for you to spend the rest of your life surrounded by people who love and care for you. I want you to learn how to play the guitar properly and I want you to laugh until your body aches and I want you to eat actual chocolate! I just want you to be happy Newt.  Words can’t describe how much I miss and love you, but just know that I’m always with you- so don’t do anything too stupid okay? Take care of everyone for me, and take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy.
Thank you for being my friend and my soulmate,

•||Maze runner •||• Imagines & Preferences ||•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن