"That's great Sam." I tell him as he sits back down.

"So I stopped my Old Quil's and read through the scrolls again, about imprints and marking." Sam says.

"And what did you find out?" Paul asks.

"Everything I said yesterday was right. We bite to leave our mark on our imprint once they've accepted the imprint and we have a physical relationship. It doesn't usually happen the first time, but we all know Paul can be possessive."

I chuckle at that.

"Seriously, we have to share a mind with him when phased, you're all he thinks about." Jared says, making me blush a little. Paul throws a cushion at him, which he catches, again.

"The aging thing I remembered correctly, except you will age physically until you're around 25. As wolves we quickly change physically so we look around 25, then as long as we continue phasing we don't age any more. You will age until you catch up with us pysically, then as long as Paul continues to phase you will not age, like us."

"At least I won't be stuck looking 17 for the foreseeable future." I say. Sam nods.

"The fertility part, the bit I couldn't remember yesterday. Once marked, the imprint can only bear the children of her wolf. If for some reason down the line she rejected the imprint and found someone else, she would never be able to have children." Sam continues.

"I get that, actually. The whole reason behind the imprint is make a strong future generation of wolves, as well as providing the wolf with his other half." I say.

"You always just take all this in your stride." Paul says.

I shrug. "Why wouldn't I? It's part of who you are, your tribe. We chose each other before all of this, why wouldn't I accept everything that comes with that?"

"You really do amaze me." Paul replies, kissing me softly.

Sam clears his throat to get our attention back.

"The mark can be renewed anytime, so you may feel the need to do it again, especially if there is a threat." Sam continues. We all nod in understanding, even Jared is listening since he has Kim.

"The mark is extremely sensitive for the imprint. I'll let you work out what that means in private." He says, a little flustered. We all chuckles lightly at him, which earns us a glare.

"And finally, a marked imprint can be highly fertile, and our wolf will smell when she is, and want to mate with her."

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you three." I say, my skin reddened by what Sam has said.

Paul kisses my head and rubs circles on my back until the embarrassment fades.

"I'm assuming birth control still works?" Paul asks.

"Yeah, it does." Sam replies. We both breathe a sigh of relief.

"Good. I don't need to be a teen mom. I want to at least finish high school." I say, glancing up Paul. He nods in agreement.

"Definitely no kids before graduation." He says.

We chat a little while longer before I head to the kitchen to get dinner ready. It's nearly ready when there is a knock at the door. I hear Paul answer it, and head into the living room so Emily can be introduced to us all.

"Emily, this is Jared, Paul, and Paul's imprint Olivia." Sam says. We all say hi, and I head back to the kitchen with Paul following me. We finish up dinner and get everything to the table before calling Jared, Sam and Emily to join us.

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