
"Still got an attitude?" I asked sitting down next to Jessica at the lunch table. "Never had one to begin with." She said not taking her eyes off her phone. "Did I do something?" I asked. "I don't know, did you do something Isaiah? Is there anything you want to tell me?" She asked.

"No." I said confused. "Sup." Brent said sitting down. "Nobody invited you over here." I said looking at him. "Chill, just came to tell you guys about the party tonight." He said. "What party?"

"Welcome back party. The cheerleaders and the basketball team our throwing a big one. Figured you guys wanted to show up." He shrugged. "I don't want to go." Jessica said.

"Why not?" Me and Brent asked in sync. "Because I don't want to." She shrugged. "She's going. We're both going. Send her the address." I said. "Alrighty."

"I'm not going to the party." She said to me once Brent walked away. "Yes you are. Fix your fucking attitude."

**Later That Night**

~Jessica POV

I was laying in the bed when I heard the doorbell ring. Assuming that it was no one for me I turned up the volume of my speaker and sat down at my vanity. "Why you got this shit so loud." I heard causing me to jump. I turned around seeing Isaiah walking in my room. "Who let you in here?" I asked. "Your mom. Why aren't you dressed?"

"I told you I'm not going to the party."

He ignored me and walked in my closet. "What are you doing?" I asked following behind him. "It's kind of cold out so here." He said handing me one of my hoodies. "Jeans I guess, I don't know. You got too many colors in your closet." He said handing me a pair of pants. "Forces. You can never go wrong with forces."

"I don't even have forces."

"You live in Atlanta." He said looking at me. "So?"

"Never mind. Air max will do. You got twenty minutes, I'll wait on your bed." He said walking out the closet. Realizing I didn't have a choice anymore, I got dressed in my closet.

"You look great." Isaiah said as I walked out the closet. "Can you smile, you making this difficult." I flashed a sarcastic smile as I grabbed my purse and my phone. "Come on." I said walking out.


~Isaiah POV

We pulled up to the party and walked inside. "I really thought you was bout to leave me here by myself." Keaunte said as we approached him. "I wouldn't do you like that." I laughed dapping him up. "Wassup Jess."

"Hi Keaunte." She said. "What yall argued before yall got here or something?" He asked. "Let's go get a drink." I said. "I'll be right here when you get back." She said pulling out her phone. "I'm so fucking confused." I said to Keaunte as I poured myself a drink. "Confused about what?"

"She been mad all day."

"Did you do something wrong?" He asked. "That's the thing. I don't fucking know. I mean before we walked into school this morning, she was fine. All shits and giggles ya know. But when we got in the auditorium, she was pissed at me. She didn't even want to come to the party, I had to force her." I said.

"Well if you didn't do anything then maybe its something else."

~Jessica POV

"Wassuupp!" Brent yelled approaching me. "You look bored. Here's a shot." He said handing me one. I took it and handed him the cup back. "Where's Romeo? Thought I would see him all up under you as much as you guys post on Instagram." He said laughing a little.


"You guys got into or something?" He asked. "You know how earlier you told me Mariah was pregnant?" I asked making him nod. "Well I think I know who the father is."

"You do? Who is it?"

"I think it's Isaiah. Him and Mariah had sex, a few times. And I'm really starting to think he's the father." I said. "Did you ask him about it?"

"I'm scared to ask because of how good our relationship is doing. But it's pissing me off because he isn't the one that told me. And maybe its because he wanted to keep it a secret or he was just as clueless as I was. I'm stressing myself over this." I sighed. "I got something for your stress. Follow me." He said. I followed him into a room.

"Brent I'm not doing drugs." I said as he pulled out a bag of pills. "You said you were stressed."

"Not that fucking stressed."

"Look, it's just one pill. It'll help, trust me I do it all the time." He said. "And look at you now." I mumbled. "One pill can turn into an addiction and I don't need that." I said. "I promise you won't get addicted. Here, take it." He said handing me one. "Just this one pill Brent." I said.

How much damage can one pill really do?


~ashkash2 💋

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