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If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.
- Masaru Emoto

In this world, it is too common for people to search for someone to lose themselves in. But I am already lost. I will look for someone to find myself in.
- C. JoyBell C.

Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.
- Erol Ozan

One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.
- Shannon L. Alder

In some stages in my life I felt lost , but not lost of place or way , I felt that my heart was lost , not good feeling it's the worst but finding your passion its the key and remember you belong somewhere and with someone.
- Lina

What's your biggest regret in life ?

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