The following days were filled with running around with the twins, playing chess with Ginny, joking with Ron, and doing whatever she could to help around the Burrow. They received their letters from school and their supply list. Olivia made sure to write to Mr.Snape to check in with him, she would get very short replies in return.

Charlie was still a prefect and became Quidditch Captain. Molly was thrilled promised to get him a surprise from Diagon Alley. She left him in charge of everyone while she went to collect all their supplies.

The day before they would leave for Kings Cross, the kids sat outside seeing who could throw the garden gnomes the farthest. Laying in the grass as the sunset. Olivia said, "this has been the best holiday I've ever had."

The twins agreed with the girl. She sat behind Ginny and braided flowers into the girls hair and laughed when she seen Charlie chase Ron with a gnome.

It can't get much better than this, she thought.

They arrived at Hogsmeade Station, and went to load into the carriages. Percy went off with some of his friends. Charlie climbed into a carriage with a girl with Purple hair that Olivia knew as Tonks from Hufflepuff. While her, the twins and Lee Jordan shared a carriage with her friends Cedric Diggory and Jo Robins, her fellow Hufflepuffs.

"I heard Charlie was made captain this year, I wonder if the Gryffindor team will look any better this year." Cedric told the twins.

"We've got Wood still as a Keeper, so I say we'll have a good chance for the cup this year." Fred told the boy.

While the rest of the boys launched into Quidditch talk, Olivia asked Jo how summer holiday went.

"It was great, we got to visit some of my family that lives in the states." Jo told her.

The second years continued their small talk until they reached the castle. Where they settled into their house tables and watched the sorting, where Olivia cheered for everyone that was sorted but only did see cheer extra loudly for the new Hufflepuffs. The twins from their table laughed at their friend who would hoot and holler while standing up in her seat, to show her school pride.

"Now that we all have been placed into our houses, and got to enjoy Miss Evans warm welcomes to all" Dumbledore said with a smirk and pointed look at the redhead who smiled brightly back to him, "I think it's time for us to get our bellies full, enjoy."
With his final words the tables filled with mountains and hills of delicious foods.

While Cedric and Jo loaded their plates of steaming potatoes and chicken, on either side of her. She glanced at the head table looking for Mr.Snape. Sitting in his usual spot next to Mcgongall who noticed the girl looking, tapped Snapes arm to directed his attention to the hufflepuff.

She grinned widely and waved to the man. The man nodded his head in greeting, earning an eye roll from Mcgongall who decided to wave back to the girl since her colleague wouldn't. Olivia turned back to her plate to enjoy her own meal.

After stuffing themselves full, Dumbledore gave his yearly warnings of the Forbidden Forest, who gave the twins an extra look of warning. Considering that Hagrid chased them out of the forest nearly 10 times last year, the warning was needed. The headmaster sent us off to our beds.

Olivia stayed behind to talk to Mr.Snape. He meet the girl by the doors of the Hall, before he said a word she rushed and hugged the man.

"Did you have a good rest of the holiday while I was gone?" She asked him letting him go from the hug.

Straightening his robes, "I suppose, I didn't receive any letters from the Weasleys, I assume that means you behaved yourself then." He told her.

"I promised you I would, and I never break promises."

"Well then, I had your supplies sent to your dormitory for you. If you need anything else, inform me. I must be on my way now." He told the girl with a coldness that wasn't there when she left this summer.

Feeling awkward now for her actions. "Oh okay yeah I understand, I guess I'll see you around then, and in class." She nodded to him before he headed for the dungeons.

Standing there she heard behind her, "It's not you dear, Severus is the alone type, just continue to be yourself and he'll warm up to you." Mcgongall told her.

Olivia turned around to see the Professor and Headmaster behind her. Smiling sadly to them, "I understand it, I use to be the alone type too, but that wasn't really my choice."

The adults smiled at the girl trying to conceal their pity. They watched the girl shake her head and stand tall with her head high.

"Anyway, I hope you both enjoyed the second half of your holiday. Professor Dumbledore, Did you received my daily jokes I sent you. Hopefully they wasn't too bothersome." She smile to the old wizard.

"I did, and they made me very happy to receive. I particularly enjoyed the one about the cow." He told the redhead. Earning him a raised eyebrow from Mcgongall, he explained the joke. "What do you call a cow with a twitch?" He asked.

"Beef jerky" Olivia answered laughing, the adults joined in with her as they made their way out of the Great Hall.

"You two are one and the same." Mcgongall told the pair while shaking her head.

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