(I don't have time to waste, what happened what did y'all come for)(---btw it's creolese)

"Pardon" I spoke not understanding her

"Gyal you ain't know a language?" (girl)

"No ma'am"

"Y'all picknie nah andastand nun bai"
(Y'all children do not understand anything boy)
She said as she rubbed her head in frustration
"Fine I gon talk inna English fuh you" she threw about her hands

"What brings you children here?" She asked

"Simple, she is here for her kingdom" matteo spoke

"Exactly" I added

Her eyes widened a little then she smirked
"But my stupid darling you can't have it"

"You have no other child so it actually hers" said matteo

"I knew you guys would have said that but I am still alive so it's not hers and if I die it goes to Christian and when he has children it goes to them" she spoke like she had it all figured out

"Fine keep your kingdom" I finally let out a full sentence

"What" matteo shouted and she looked like a kid on Christmas that got what he wanted

"Yes, keep your mafia. But please I have questions"
Matteo looked like he could kill me with his bare hand but little does he know I have a plan forming

"Ask away" she literally sang

"Why didn't you keep me?"

"I did, I gave birth to you" she rolled her eyes like it was a duh question

"You left me with him, you didn't stay nor took me with you"

"That's because I didn't want you" she calmly said

And my eyes filled with tears bug I blinked them away

"Then why didn't you abort me? "

"One: my dad forced me not to. But I was actually going to run away and do it
Two: I that you were going to be a boy and take over my mafia but I would've stayed with your biological dad and wait till you were of age" she got up "but you we're such a disappointment"

"But why didn't you abort me when you found out my gender?"

"He wanted to wait till you were born to find out"

"Who's he?"

"My dad"
She sat on her desk

"Okay, tell me my story"

"Oh god kill me now" she looked bored "so it was basically you were born I took a look at you saw you were a girl didn't want you so I left and flew back home, you dad didn't want me to leave but i didn't want you so I left and he also wanted a son after that so I guess he blamed you and he was right, but when he left you in the house when you were six he came to find me but my dad heard about what he did so he killed your dad dot dot dot end of story "

"So you never cared?"


"And he's dead?"

" we're you not listening YES HES DEAD"
She screamed

" Okay Okay, you spoke with an accent but it wasn't bajans accent. What is it?"

"My mom was Guyanese🇬🇾 she fell for my dad whos bajan I grew up in guyana and I have their accent"


"Hmm, you done now"

"Is there anything I should now about you? I mean anything important?"

"Yes, I hate visitors. So hurry and get the fucķ out" she pointed to the door

"I will, but first j got some things to say"

She yawned

"First: I loved you growing up bit now not so much I realised that the only family I have is Mr.Giovanni
Two: I'm glad the bastards dead
Three: I heard my grandfather past away, I'm sorry I never got to meet him
And four: tell my father I hate his guts"
I collected the gun from under my dress and clocked it just like James taught me

Oh look I guess he wasn't as bad as i taught

Although I still don't think of him as bad
May he rest in peace

She was close enough for my hand to reach my head
I had a clear shoot
And I took it

I pulled the trigger and everything looked like it was in slow motion

The bullet went flying and landed between her eyes

Her body fell to the floor with a thud

And she started bleeding

Watching her dead body I felt nothing but hated I guess finding out she never loved me what what I needed to stop loving her

I heard another gun shot
Then other and other

I looked around and saw Christian lying in a noe forming pool of his blood along with her right hand and their in Command

"Are you Okay?" I asked
He just killed his brother the only family he has alive or i should say had

"I was just waiting for you to make a move, he wasn't family anyways and the things your mom said about you isn't true, now come on"

"Okay" I followed him to the staircase but he did not walk down

"I just killed  your leaders your commands you have two options follow your real leader Mrs. Giovanni, your ex leads daughter or the next option simply states death" she smiled

A few men pulled their guns out but were quickly shot by our me  the rest bowed their heads and accepted me

"Very well then, meet your queen"

"Hello everyone"

I just killed my mother

I feel powerful
And amazing

So I smirked
"Bow"  I said and they all dropped to their knees and bowed before me

And so did matteo only his head was up he was looking at me and smirking


Mrs.Mafia Giovanni Where stories live. Discover now