First Kiss

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"(Y/n)!" Dean hollers with a gruff voice. "Don't you dare walk out on me" a grasp on your arm yanks you backwards.

This was the first fight that you have ever had with one another, well minus the night you meant at the bar. After the night at the bar, he ended rescuing you from a ghoul, and you have hunted with the Winchester's since, making this 4 months now.

"I swear to god Dean, if you don't let me go I will slit your wrist" You turn towards him with an absolute devilishly glare. His emerald eyes melt into yours not softening your anger at all.
"Why would you lie to me?" You whimper. "I trusted you Dean, and you broke that by not telling me about my own body being possessed? You fixed it, why couldn't you just tell me"

He yanks you into his strong arms pressing his warm, soft lips against yours. You give into the kiss amazed by just how gentle his touch was against you. "I wanted to protect you" He breathes out.

You snuggle deeper into the warmth of Sam's hard chest and curl your legs into his lap. You in a way felt like a child, but you felt safe in his arms. Sam's dark eyes stare down to your lips, making you excited. Though you weren't officially exclusive yet, you felt as if you were because your the only girl he ever gets the chance to be around.

"(Y/n), your positively amazing" Sam exhales in a gruff voice before ever so gently melting his lips into yours. As corny as it sounds, this was the most spectacular kiss you have ever had. It felt different, special, and made your heart skip several beats.

The flutter of Angel wings fills your ears as you walk in the empty garden courtyard of your college. Castiel's strong hand instantly reaches to yours in order to entwine your fingers. Even though relationships are completely new ground for him, he has definitely grown into cuddling, and hand holding. Which is all we have done, you understand full-heartedly though, since you have been dating for only a month. "Hi sweetheart" You grin up to his icy blue eyes.

"(Y/n), I think that we should advance our affection, and kiss possibly" Your poor innocent angel exhales nervously rubbing circles into your jaw line with his thumb. "Cas, I've been taking your pace love. Your the one who I take it slow for"

Without another word Castiel's soft, full lips meet yours instantly moving in sync. He keeps one hand gently on your face, but has the other around your waist to close any gap between you. Your knees actually become weak and you tug at the ends of his hair to realize this is reality. You both pull away and he gently kisses your forehead. "Wow, the kiss of an angel is definitely understated"

You shrill with laughter as Gabriel straddles you to the ground. His fingers move to your waist tickling you ruthlessly. "Ga - Gabe stop" You choke out.

"Oh and what's in it for me?" His whiskey eyes smile mischievously down to you and begin to move closer to your face. He continues to tickle you as you make out an answer "Anything, I swear"
He instantly stops brushing away a piece of his long almond colored hair.

"Will you be my girlfriend officially?" he moves his hands to grasp your waist but keeps you straddled under him.

"You don't even have to blackmail me into saying yes to that Gabriel" You bring your hands to rest on his strong jaw line. In sync, the inches separating you are closed and, as dorky as it sounds, sparkles flew. "You're entirely perfect (y/n)" Gabriel says after breaking away.

"Put your hands up, and you have the right to remain silent because anything you say can and will be held against you" You yell to scare Balthazar walks through his door. You two were exclusive, but not officially dating. Yes, you knew it was confusing for others, but you didn't care. A smile creeps into your face by the shocked look deep in his sea-like eyes.

"Well hello to you too darling" He snakes his arms around your waist pulling you to him. "Oh and if anything I say will be held against me, I must say (y/n)" He tilts his head downwards kissing you passionately making your whole body swoon over him.

"Crowley, get your ass up here right now" you scream down to the basement. He rushes up the stairs making sure to straighten and button his black suit before he reaches you. What is the matter love?" he caresses your cheek, but you slap back his hand.

"This is my only day off this week, and you have chosen to torture others instead of being around me? Crowley, this relationship is very new as in a week ago new and this is our first day actually being around each other since we began dating" You throw a vase across the room missing him by inches, not that you intended to hit him, but sometimes your temper gets the best of you.

"Love, darling, calm down" Crowley tosses his hands up in surrender, yet continues. "but that vase cost more than your college degree so I'd be careful of your next move. We both know you and I have short tempers and this could go south quickly"

You exhale a breathe cluttered with fury. "God, why do you have to be attractive when your mad. It makes it difficult to argue back when your left speechless" Crowley says taking a step towards me. You allow a grin onto your face before you lunge forward smashing your lips to his. Your first fight, ended with your first kiss.

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