Story Summaries

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There will be those with the power to stop this evil from spreading, those that can change what is written in stone, but to do that they must trust one another...and how can one trust someone else, if they do not trust themselves? In a land much like our own stands a girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders, some shall help carry her burden, others see to it that it crush her.

It shall not be easy, but with the help of those close to her heart, she shall conquer the dark again...or die trying.

Book Title: Paradigm Rift

Author: Eterno10

Genre: Sci-Fi

The Great Rifting has caused the walls between parallel worlds to break down in San Francisco. Adam lost his father to this cataclysm. Even though everyone believes his father to be dead, he refuses to believe it and sets out to search for him. He is prepared to leave his home and travel to parallel worlds, but will he find what he is looking for or will he forever regret his decision to delve into the unknown?

Book Title: Amor Vincit Omnia

Author: Allsinnerscrawl

Genre: Teen Fiction/Romance

Does love really conquer all?

For all her life, Sarah has always taken her Spanish mother's advice on everything. But one piece of advice stood out before everything.

''Chica, don't marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like him.''

That quote rings true years later. Through hardships and revelations she learns that it's not just strength that conquers perfection, but amor.

Book Title: Astray

Author: Dany1908

Genre: Teen Fiction/Drama/Romance

The story follows a group of teens which fights with their inner demons and a kid which just been in the wrong place and at the wrong time, Sebby, how his two friends like to call him, which is open gay and not shy near cute guys, a thing which makes most to avoid his clinging nature.

One day all receive a dreadful news: for the summer holiday they must go to a farm and redeem themselves and learn to accept each other or choose expulsion or even jail. It was an offer unheared but in the principal eyes was the best option for the school "outsiders"

Sebby tries to decline the new school principal "offer" telling him he has nothing to do with the school outcasts and delinquents, while receiving their piercing glare and in that moment he knew: he is in deep shit after the stunt he pulled early in the day on which all been witness, who been just a misunderstood or a bad joke of the karma, but the principal didn't believed him..

With them a teacher will go as well who has a dark past and a secret, as well from Sebby point he also seems to have a sweet spot for one of his friends.

At the farm they as well meet with a strange boy which thinks he is a werewolf and sometime a superhero who barely talks.

Book Title: Lisuex Roadtrip

Author: Lisuex

Genre: Paranormal

Fantastical road trip anyone? Join Madeline as she takes a break from her Hogwartsesk college to go on a Supernatural style road trip with someone who may know The Name of the Wind. She made a deal with the boy with devilish eyes and now they'll trek across the US looking for the mythical pieces needed to acquire the blood the golden hyne. Once Dean has the only thing that can kill a greek god, she'll get the name of the person who tried to kill her. That is of course, if he's true to his word.

Book Title: Let Me Teach You

Author: AliciaVeritas

Genre: Vampire Romance

His kiss was impossibly possessive, like he was claiming me but I managed to hold my ground and kiss him back with the same demand. I could hardly recognize myself as he lifted me up so that he didn’t have to bend down so much and I hooked my legs around his waist. I wasn’t short but he was a tower next to my one meter sixty seven centimeters. My freckled cheeks were on fire and I desperately needed some air.

Ripping myself away from him I gasped and panted staring at him wide eyed while he looked at me with his blue eyes full of hunger. He was panting still holding me tightly by my hips.

As my breathing stabilized so did my brain. “Crap.” I breathed for what seemed to be the hundredth time today finally breaking the tension and he chuckled.
Beth Summers was an average well off 16 year old, going to a private school, top of her class, with an average family. She loved to run and paint and had plans for the future.
It all changes one afternoon when her mother comes home and tells her that her father left them. That same night she goes to cry on a bench in a park that she has visited a million times before, this time however a stranger comes to soothe her. Passion sparks and she runs away only to find out that he will be her new English teacher the very next day.
Their little problem is not the only secret they will have to hide, he has bigger things for her to find out. He didn’t pick this school by accident and he wasn’t in that park by accident either.

Book Title: 6 Floors

Author: Accidental_Genius

Genre: Adventure

This story revolves around the adventure of seven teenagers. Superhuman teenager. They are selected to play the game of death name 6 floors. On each floor on contestant faces his dark past or his greatest fear. To move on to the next floor, the contestant either has to face his fear or die...

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