"Jennings's house!" I say, and drop the powder. Green flames engulf me and when they die down my view has completely changed. I am in a house, with light, cream walls, lined with beautiful paintings. The furniture is a light grey color and matches the theme of the room. I step out of the fire place and start to dust myself off. I hear a faint "Jennings's house" from behind me and I see the green flames shoot up. Alayna steps out and brushes herself off. I'm about to say something when I hear a crash from the other room. Alayna looks in that direction and looks surprisingly calm.

"Who-" I start.

"My other step-siblings." She says. Alayna motions for me to follow her. I do so with caution. She pushes open a door with her arm and lets me walk in first. I see three kids, all around the same age, playing with a board game on the floor. They look up at us when they hear us walk into the room.

The girl smiles and jumps up. She runs to Alayna and throws herself into Alayna. Alayna must have had this happen many times, because she was prepared. Alayna picked the little girl up in one quick move, and the little girl wrapped her arms loosely around Alayna's neck.

"Peyton, this is Luci, and they are Hugo and Ruben. They're triplets." She motions to the boys still sitting around the game. "Guys, say hi to Peyton."

"Hi Peyton." The two boys echo. I smile at them before they return to their game. Luci jumps down from Alayna and sits back down with Ruben and Hugo. Alayna and I stay to watch them play for a minute more. They roll a die and move their pawns around the board but when Ruben lands on a red square, a glass ball looking thing rises up from the middle of the board. The trio don't look surprised so I assume this is supposed to happen. Then with out warning the ball shoots out in all different directions. I flinch, seeing the glass shards shooting at my body, waiting for the pain, but it never comes. 

I hear Alayna laugh so I turn to her. She's holding a small green slip of paper in her hand. I look at her, confused and she returns it with just a smile. 

"I caught it." She says. The trio groan in response and look at her. 

"That's not fair Layna! You're not even playing!" Luci says. Alayna flicks the piece of paper at the kids and it lands on Ruben's head.

"There. Ruben gets it." Alayna says, still smiling. Ruben smiles and grabs the paper from his head. Alayna turns to me. "I'm going to guess you never played Crytatalizes as a kid."

"If that is what it is then no." I reply, moving my hand towards the game. Alayna laughs and turns back towards the door. I follow her as she pushes the door open again. 

"Everyone else should be home soon." She says. She takes me back to the room we started in and plops down on the couch. I sit on the edge as Alayna fiddles with her nails.

*Alayna's POV*

I'm laying on my couch, while Peyton's awkwardly sitting on the edge, looking like she wants to say something. I sit up and look at her. She turns to me and smiles. 

"You know, you look a lot like Pansy if you think about it." I say. She scoffs and looks at the big giant painting in the center of the room.

"We look and act nothing alike." She says.

"Not true." I interject. Peyton turns back to me with a 'how' kind of look. "Well you both have a similar face, and you both have brown hair, though yours is lighter. Plus you do act the same." I explain.

"You've studied my sister's face?" Peyton asks sarcastically. 

"No." I laugh. I lay back down trying to hide my blush. Of course I studied Pansy's face, how could you not. She's so pretty. I know, I know, since when did I think Pansy was pretty? Since the beginning of time. I've always liked girls, even when I was little. I thought it was weird, so I never told anyone, except for River. As time went on I never was able to get the courage to tell anyone, and it just kept getting harder. 

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