C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 1̶

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My heart was about to burst from how fast it was pumping. With my back against a wall of a alley way I had run into. I lean my head back and close my eyes. The image of him in my head, burning through all my thoughts. The viscous, hateful man I used to call a friend. I hit my head against the wall and groan.

"Feeling a bit angry now are you?" says a sultry, deep voice. The voice that is screwing with my brain. I need to be rid of this damning sound. Before even realizing what I was doing, a dagger was soaring through the air.

My impeccable aim should have steered the blade directly into his heart, yet it was between his fingers.

"Such a wicked creature you are." He drawls, twirling the dagger between his fingers.

I cock my head sideways, "I'll take that as a compliment" I say and I swipe my leg swiftly across his shins causing him to fall to the ground and giving me a chance to run away. It's raining and soon I'm soaking wet. Running towards the castle, I hear footsteps behind me but they stop. I don't look back, and I keep going.

Panting I run back into the castle almost slipping on its floors from the water dripping off me and to my father's office. He looks up at me and smiles. "Did you do it? Is he dead?" I shake my head, still panting from running.

"Silly girl cant you do anything right!!?" He slams his hand on the desk hard and I let out a small gasp. "Get out of my sight and dry yourself, your getting everything wet." I clench my jaw and walk out and head to my bedroom after grabbing a towel out of one of a maids hands on the way. Silly girl!? I'm 17 and the best assassin you've ever even spoken to! I head to bed and I guess it was obvious I was mad by the look on my face because all of the workers in the palace quickly move out of my way as I walk to and in my bedroom.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Says a voice behind of me. I chuckle and turn around. It's my best friend Ella, we took her in after her parents died under the condition that she trains to battle with us. She can tell how I'm feeling any day since we spend so much time together. Though she does refuse to speak to anyone outside of the castle which is good when we need information and don't want to get caught. No one expects a quiet young little blonde girl to be spying on dangerous people and enemies to our kingdom.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I say. She doesn't buy it for one bit.

"Your sweating. What the hell have you been doing Ness." She says as she cocks one eyebrow upwards and crosses her arms. I sigh and plop down into a chair near me. She moves around me and takes out my messy ponytail, she starts braiding.

"So?" Ella asks

"One day I'm going to learn how to braid my own hair. You don't even have to fix my hair you know."

"I like to braid. And your avoiding the question!"

"I was sent to kill Jackson." I say

"Really?! Again? Did you do it this time?" She says pulling down my braids so my head is looking up at her.

"Ow! Ella what the hell!"

"Sorry! Well I'm guessing you didn't kill?"

"No, he keeps getting away. As do I when he comes at me"

"Honestly the sexual tension between you two is immaculate."

"What are you talking about?" I say

"Hey I'm just saying, you have to admit Jackson Carlucci's pretty adorable."

"No! I mean..."


"Well I guess he's pretty okay looking-"


"I- What no! Shut up Ella who's side are you on?" I say. She laughs and finishes my braids.

"Nessa, don't you sometimes get scared? Like when your in battle? I know I do but you always seem so fearless." Ella says

"Well yeah of course I do, but you can't let the enemy see that. When you seem confident it gets in their head" I respond

"Okay... "

*Time Skip*

I wake up with a pounding headache from last night. And hop out of bed slowly, my silk covers falling off while I roll around in them. Walking to my dresser I see my clothes already set out for me, but I don't see Ella. She must be at training I think, sometimes I feel bad for Ella, training is extremely exhausting and it always leaves you a sweaty mess. I stopped my training at age 15 after I ended up being the one training the trainer.

I pick up my clothes, it's a white short off shoulder dress about up to my mid thigh. I put it on and look in the mirror.

"Something's missing" I say. I look through my draws messing up all the neatly folded clothes in there to try and find something. I then, slip on a white corset and it's perfect.

I walk downstairs and into the training arena where I assumed Ella would be

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I walk downstairs and into the training arena where I assumed Ella would be. I see the trainer there, Mr. Gray but no Ella.

"Good morning Mr.Gray did Ella show up today? I'm looking for her." I ask

"No sorry Princess, she never showed up." He replies. That's when I started to worry. I hadn't seen Ella walking to the arena nor was she in her room.

"Alright thank you." I say and quickly run out of the arena, out of the palace and towards the woods where Ella usually goes for some alone time. It's a small opening in the woods where we go to read or just hang around. I keep running and my headache gets worse but I'm still going. I get to the spot and it takes me a moment for my eyes to adjust to what's happened.

I see Ella, but she is not moving. I scream and run towards her my legs ripping up from the branches and thorns. And my dress already dirtied. I kneel beside her and check her pulse. She's breathing, but probably not for long, as I pick her up I see a piece of paper beside where she was. I open it up and it's the symbol of the Qox kingdom, they attempted to kill my best friend....I put the piece of paper in my pocket and rush to the palace.

"Please keep breathing Ella, I can't believe this." I repeat, hoping she can hear me.

I barge into the castle door and scream.

"Get me the doctor now! It's an order!" At this point, my clothes are stained with her blood. I hear everyone clamoring to help my unconscious best friend and our family doctor takes her away into the ambulance. Our hospital is near where most of our battles happen. Never by the palace, that would be way to risky.

"What is happening!?" I hear my fathers voice boom through the room as he stands at the top of the stairs.

"They got Ella." I say, he immediately knows what I mean and I take the paper out of my pocket and show it to him. He sighs and looks down.


"Yes?" I say

"Prepare for battle"

1254 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠
𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑡!𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑣𝑜𝑡𝑒 ♥︎

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