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A/N: Editing this because i'm switching up some of the ages 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Tiger added S.Clouds, Angel, Joshi, Junpi, Sloth, Cola, Sunshine, Puppy, Cotton ball, Boo, Vern, and Otter


S.Clouds: Um

Angel: Uh

Joshi: Hello?

Junpi: Hi

Sloth: ....

Cola: Tf

Sunshine: Why did you add us Soon?

Puppy: Hi

Cotton ball: Why?

Boo: Hoshi wtf

Vern: Oh hi

Otter: Um-

Tiger: Whoops

Tiger: Sorry I added y'all because I thought y'all were interesting

S.Clouds: Oh

S.Clouds: um just a quick question is everyone a teenager or an adult?

Tiger: Teens

Tiger: everyone's profile had an age y'all put so we're all teens

S.Clouds: Oh okay, um so I guess we're all in high school

Angel: I guess so

Angel: Let's introduce ourselves

Tiger: Mk, also since we're teens let's say what school we go to

Cola: Uhhh okay

S.Clouds: I'll go first

S.Clouds: My name is Choi Seungcheol, I am 18 years old, I'm a senior and I go to Pledis High

S.Clouds: Should I send a picture?

Tiger: Yeah


Angel: Damn

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Angel: Damn... you're hot

Angel: Oh shit

Joshi: Dumbass

Angel: Hey you don't curse

Joshi: Ima come over to your house and murder you, go next bitch

Angel: Oh yeah, my name is Yoon Jeonghan, I just turned 18, I'm a senior, and I also go to Pledis high



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