Prosciutto x Crush Reader

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Risotto stands in front of the gang telling us about a new mission and splitting us all off.

I sit beside Melone and Prosciutto, Risotto says "Melone, you'll come with me, Prosciutto you will accompany Y/n", Pesci freaks out and asks "B-but I never leave big bros side!" Prosciutto snaps "Be quiet Pesci!"

Risotto rests his hand on his waist and says "That's not my problem" I say "Hang on, why don't Prosciutto, Pesci and I go together?" Risotto spat "Whatever just get the mission done".


We walk down the road which leads down a hill, I look away from the mountains on the right and see a beautiful beach and ocean on the left below.

Prosciutto walks by my side while Pesci suddenly runs further than us to take in the view.

I say with a smile "Having Pesci isn't so bad, he's like a little boy learning from his older brother Prosciutto. Don't be so harsh on him".

The blonde looks at me with an angered expression yet a blush is visable on his face. He grumbles "Sometimes he can do a good job but he can be a pain as well".

Pesci sprints up to me with glee and says with tears in his eyes "Thank you Y/n for persuading Risotto!" he clasped my hands in his and thanks me over and over.

Prosciutto's eyes twitches, he smacks Pesci away from me and yells "That's enough Pesci!"

I grab Prosciutto's tie and say "Control your fucking temper" the blonde's heart almost melts from my dominance.

Pesci mutters whole crying "I'm so sorry big bro!" I snap "Both of you stop please!" I let go of Prosciutto's tie and walk past them both.


After buying a small bag of ice we find the guy we are looking for on a bus, Prosciutto manages to get us on.

Pesci says to me "Y/n, you might want to eat some ice now" I nod and open the bag, I pop an ice cube in my mouth as Prosciutto activates his stand.

I watch as the people slowly age, Pesci takes an ice cube as well. The man we are after finally realized what's going on and stands up from the back row charging at Prosciutto.

I was about to reach for Prosciutto but he yells at me "Don't touch me Y/n!" I pull back remembering just in time but because he was distracted the man rammed himself into him knocking Prosciutto into me.

Pesci shouts in fright, the man turned to ash in seconds for being quite old.

Prosciutto immediately gets off me and deactivates his stand worriedly. I shiver feeling I've aged to near fourty by how long he touched me with his stand activated.

My skin goes back to it's present age and I relax, the bus has stopped and has been for a while.

Prosciutto takes my face inspecting me, he relaxes finally and says with a cough into his fist "Sorry".


We go to a cafe and since we still have ice I plop some in my (favourite cold drink) Pesci swings his legs while sitting in his seat, Prosciutto suddenly says "Pesci, I think you need to go to the bathroom, you haven't gone for a while".

Pesci scratches his head and says "But I don't feel like it-" Prosciutto waves his hand at him and says "Just go!"

Pesci nods and leaves.

I take a sip of my drink, Prosciutto asks "Are you alright about what happened on the bus?" I reply "Yeah, I really don't mind, it was a simple mistake".

Prosciutto asks while swirling his spoon in his coffee "Do you like me?" I laugh a bit and ask "Why are you asking me this? Of course, I think you're cool, a bit rough but a really awesome friend-" he growls "No! I mean more than a friend!"

I look at him before smiling and say "Yeah, I like you too" Prosciutto takes an ice cube from my drink puts it in his mouth and leans across the table to me.

I take the other side of the ice cube with my teeth, he breaks it off and locks lips with mine, I pull away immediately and yelp "Cold!" while covering my mouth, Prosciutto starts laughing and says "Adorable~".

Pesci comes running back and says "The toilet is so gross! It's worse than regular ones!" Pesci slows down when he sees his brother leaning across the table inches from my face.

I say "Well, we finished the mission let's go back to the gang then" Prosciutto nods and all three of us head home with Pesci constantly questioning us and our situation.

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