Big Reputation

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mature content/ Karlie (g!p)

"You did really good tonight." I smiled attempting to start a conversation Taylor simply nodded and began to unbutton my shirt. "You don't wanna drink-

"Karlie stop doing this. It's just sex stop fucking acting like we're anything more." She hissed I sighed I wanted to push her away but I couldn't I never could so I pulled her into me molding our lips together she quickly reciprocated the movements and found her way to slip her tongue inside me. I slid my hands under down her back grabbing her ass she moaned into my mouth pushing herself harder against me. 


"I'm so horny fuck." She mumbled "You know when I was on stage and you were staring at me I was so wet. Singing to you I wanted to run off stage and let you fuck me so hard baby." She moaned

I tried not to let it get to me she did this all the time used cute pet names like we were this happy couple. Make up nonsense so I'd give it to her faster.

"Taylor I'm tired of this." I whispered a soft chuckle escaped her lips. "You've said this three time and look at us again. "What about Joe Taylor? I can't keep doing this to him you're his girlfriend he should be the one satisfying you."

"We've been over this he's saving himself." She said annoyed she went back to what she started taking off my shirt. "It's only a few more times and then this'll end, he proposed the weddings in 3 mon-

"Don't tell me again." I sighed

Knowing once she was married she'd be gone she wouldn't need me anymore. This was my only time she was mine. No matter how bad this was I was blinded I could only see the good to this and that was Taylor being in my arms.

Sometimes I'd purposely go too hard so she'd pass out and sleep the entire night with me in my arms holding on tight. Sometimes she'd get mad and leave before we even have sex. Other times we'd do it quickly and then she was gone.

I turned all my jealousy and all my anger into sexual needs. I was happy knowing I was the only person who could make her cry during this make her loose her voice at times she had to postpone tours turn these stupid hotel rooms into paradise.

"Karlie!" She snapped bribing me back "Sorry." I smiled guiding her to the bed. "No one better be on this floor."

"There's not." She smiled evilly I nodded leaning down to catch her lips in mine.

3 months later


"It's either you slept with someone else or Joe has some fucking magic sperm that grew your baby 4 months in two weeks." Gigi said bluntly "How the fuck didn't I know!" I yelled running my hands through my hair feeling like I wanted to pull it all out.

"This happens..Taylor who's baby is it? Joe's? Kar-

"Ew don't say her name no it's obviously not, I have to go Gigi." I said giving it all away I got way too defensive. Before she could say anything I hung up the phone and clicked on my contacts lists. My thumb hovered over Karlie's name it's been months since we've spoke. Yes when I got married we stopped Joe and I finally had sex and it was the worst sex I've ever had. It was way too quick he didn't even try and make me feel good. I missed Karlie's sex, I'd never admit maybe I just missed her.

Me: I'm pregnant it's yours.

I was forward with it I wasn't even going to try and play this guessing game. I didn't expect her to respond fast but she did.

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