1. First Impressions Matter

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Roxie's POV

The last thing I remember from the old world is Jasper activating the device on my back and waving goodbye to me. Then darkness surrounded me pulling me from my old life. From my life in hell. I don't like to talk about it. The only person who knew what it was really like was Jasper. He was well he is my best friend.

Anyways, the darkness pulled me away. I started screaming. It wasn't exactly enjoyable. I don't know how long I spent in the darkness. It could have seconds or weeks. But suddenly I appeared in the bunker I had seen so many times on my favorite TV show, Supernatural.

I heard arguing around behind me. I stood and turned. I saw the characters from the screen standing in front of me arguing. They were totally oblivious to my sudden appearance. I decided to make a bombastic first impression.
I took a deep breath and said, "I wish you boys would just SHUT UP!!" This got the reaction I wanted. They froze and stopped talking immediately. They all slowly turned to face me. There were four of them; Crowley, Sam, Dean, and Castiel.
I smiled sweetly and broke the silence, "Thank you, finally some peace and quiet! Well anyways, hello my name is Roxanne Belle Lancaster. You can call me Roxie. Now before you pull guns and try to kill me let me explain myself." They looked at me for a minute then looked at each other and nodded.
"Thank you dears, well I come from a different dimension. Sam and Dean you will remember that a few years ago you payed a visit to a dimension where your lives where a TV show. Well that's where I come from. So I actually know a lot about each of you," I explained, "Well come on then! This is no way to treat a guest. I know that all of you are capable of speech so say something." They looked awfully scared which was kind of funny. I mean these people are hunters, an angel and the king of hell. And I of all people scared them. Dean snapped me out of my thought by addressing me.
"Yes it's true Sammy and I went there. But how do we know that you are telling the truth? How can we trust you?" He asked. Fortunately, Jasper had made sure I was well equipped with useful gadgets. Among these items was a truth field which was currently on.
I had my answer, "Excellent question Dean. Well I happen to have with me a device that projects a truth field. Which means that none of us can lie. So all of us when asked a question are forced to tell the truth. I know you're curious, go ahead ask me a question." I tried to look encouragingly at them. Dean then got a smug look on his face.
"Alright then, who is your favorite character/person out of the four of us here?" He asked smugly. Before I got the chance to think my mouth said, "Crowley. What can I say? I've always had a thing for the villains." All four of them looked surprised and Crowley a bit smug.
"Now that you believe me about my truth field, I'm going tell each of you something personal that I would only know if I was telling the truth," I had this speech planned out for awhile. They nodded signaling me to continue.
"Also if you don't believe me, raise your hand and I will say something else alright? I will do it in under 4 words. So let's start with Crowley. Rowena." This got the reaction I had hoped for. His eyes widened. He tried to regain his composure as he spoke, " And how do you know about her child? I don't doubt you but how?"
I smiled and answered, "As I said before, I come from the universe with the TV show. I watched all of it so I know quite a bit about you boys. Now on to Sam. Demon blood." He had a similar reaction to Crowley but said nothing.
Two down and so far no doubts, "Dean, Mark of Cain ." I paused only a minute before I decided he was convinced.
"And lastly Castiel. You know what I'm going to call you Cassie. Dean already claimed you with the name Cas. Well Cassie, Stolen Grace." There was silence as it sunk in. No hands were raised in doubt. And I felt very accomplished.

Hi y'all! So sorry this didn't come out as soon as I thought it would. I just got back from a school trip and am still absolutely swamped in makeup work! Anyways I hope you liked this I will update soon! Comment, vote and well you already read this soooo.
See ya later alligators!

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