Chapter 33 - Conflicting Emotions (Unedited)

Começar do início

We sat quietly as we took a breather, and I admired the green mountains surrounding the lake. Gazing at Y/N I noticed that she was staring off into the distance, looking slightly troubled and deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I questioned, nudging her a little with my elbow.

"This is the first time I've taken time off in a year... It almost doesn't feel right." She mused lowly, and I frowned at her words.

"You need time off every once in a while, Y/N. You're only 23, you should be enjoying your life." I told her.

"I know, it's just..." She trailed off for a moment, before facing me fully. She studied me for a moment, before opening her mouth again. "I've used work as a distraction for the past year because I've been too scared of being alone with my thoughts." She answered honestly.

"Are you worried that you're going to relapse?" I asked her carefully.

"I think every person that's dealt with addiction does, the hardest part is finding a way to bounce back when it does happen." She stated with a sigh, her tone withdrawn and resigned like she believed that she was going to relapse at some point.

I bit at my lip as I began to worry about her, and in the same moment I promised to myself that I'll do everything in my power to help her keep herself on track.

"Did you ever speak to anyone? Like... Professionally?" I questioned curiously, but hoped that I wasn't overstepping.

"No, I went completely cold turkey after I broke up with Tom... I guess I was lucky that it actually worked for me." She explained.

"Would you ever consider it? Stop me if I'm speaking out of line here... But I feel like you're just pushing it down instead of actually dealing with it. I've spoken to someone about my anxiety before, and it does help." I told her.

"I don't know." She looked down and seem to deliberate from a moment, before she raised her head again. "It's been a year now... I don't see much point in rehashing things." She shrugged, but I could tell by her eyes that there was something still plaguing her thoughts.

"It's completely up to you, but know that I'm here if you ever just need a friend." I offered with a comforting smile.

"Thank you Colbs." She breathed lightly.

She once again fell quiet after that, and I knew that she was done with the conversation.

"Come on, let's go swimming." Climbing shakily to my feet as the raft bobbed on the water underneath my feet, and turned to offer a hand out to Y/N. She grasped it gently and I pulled her up.

I went to pull my shirt off so I could put it in the kayak so it wouldn't get it too wet, however I suddenly felt hands pushing me towards the edge of the platform.

"HEY!" I yelped, stumbling a little but managing to catch myself before I fell in. I heard giggles behind me, and I then knew that she had tried to push me in on purpose. She shoved me a little again, and I spun around and caught her hands in mine.

She screamed as I interlocked our fingers and began to wrestle with her. We broke into laughter, both trying to push the other back off the raft.

We continued to play fight for a little while longer, before I decided to put an end to it. "Right! That's it!" I grumbled loudly, before I pried up hands away and swooped down an arm to lock under her knees. Lifting her effortlessly into my arms, I strode towards the edge.

"No, wait! Colby, my clothes!" Y/N shrieked, jerking against me and I guessed she didn't want to get her t-shirt and shorts wet. Deciding I didn't care as she had started it, and jumped off into the lake with her.

Old Friends (Colby Brock x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora