"Shh, I am helping you and myself."

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Ryui's P.O.V~

The first thing I came in face to face with as soon as I opened my eyes was rock hard cold ground, then an unbearable headache followed which made me curse my thoughts out.

"Oh, Hey Little girl You woke up. Finally!" The same handsome dude from earlier appeared out of nowhere, I checked myself and saw I wasn't tied up or anything. He came more closer only to gain himself a punch from me.

He made a stinky face, "Ow, What was that for?"

Oh my god, This man is unbelievable, First, he kidnapped me and next, made me lie on this cold ground and he asks that question.

"Hey Ma'am, Please talk." I rolled my eyes and decide to open my mouth, "Listen here your pretty face, I don't know the reason why I was brought here but I am getting out of here and I will let you go this time but If I see you around, I will break your bones."

I thought I would get away from my sassiness but that man was too fast to pull me by my wrist and lock me by my neck with his hands.

"Ok, I didn't want to do any harm to you but you leave me with no options. Tightening his grip on my neck more, he was so near to choke me to death.

After struggling to death, He let me. "Now listen to me. You and I are in trouble and also Tay and New."


This time I opened my mouth, "Who the fuck are you? Are you his men?"

"Yeah, Well You can call me that. I am Mark, by the way, I am Ploy's cousin, and I-"

"YOU are the handsome dude, Heartbreaker Talked about." Oops, my mouth, that should have been my thought, I saw the smirk for a millisecond, but he was again back to his emotionless face.

"Yeah, the same handsome dude New met, who is dragged to the mafia world like him and wants to get out of this shit. Ok, let me get to the point, New's dad has given me this assignment to kill Nia, and that will do me good as I will never get dragged into the mafia world If I successfully kill her."

What did he say? N-Nia? He will kill my princess?


I was cut off by a hand on my mouth and sigh, "Please don't shout here otherwise They will get to us. You idiot, If I wanted to kill that baby, I would have done it already and not tell you. Look, I might be selfish but I am not heartless to kill a baby like that."

"But Why would he want to kill your granddaughter?"

He looked at me with the same expressionless face which I want to punch right now. "You know him, He wanted a grandson to continue his crimes but Ploy couldn't give him one, so He killed her and now Nia too."

Oh, That is the real reason, Ploy got killed.

"Earth to Ryui, Ryui to earth." Again this pretty face, knocked me out of my zone, bringing me back to this fucking disgusting reality.

"So, umm How can we help each other?" I finally saw a satisfied smirk on his face. 

"Take me in"

I fucking choked on my saliva and then his eyes widened in shock, " Nonono I mean- Take me into your apartment, what were you thinking? " That bitch dared to smirk at me.


After discussing our plan, We were headed to my apartment, and I am still debating if this will work or not, but I am doing this for Nia.

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