Chapter 27 A new member could join in the future

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Its been a while and i have not seen Molly. I stood up and i was about to leave the kitchen when one of the guys stopped me.

"Where do you think your going??" he told me.

"Im going to look for Molly"

"No sit back down Molly is doing fine" he demanded me.

"No i don't believe you"

I said as i tried to go pass him he pushed me back causing me to fall and catch everyone's attention. 

"Why the hell did you that for??" Bill asked furiously as he stood up.

"HELP!!!" we heard molly scream.

I got up and pushed him out the way i ran upstairs and into the room i heard screaming from. I saw that Molly was Getting rapes by Dan.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!" I yelled as i pushed him off.

I grabbed a blanket and covered her up.

"What happen??" Drew asked.

"Dan raped her" i responded .

Molly could not stop crying.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU RAPE HER???" Drew yelled at Dan.

"She should stop crying cause i know she liked it" Dan answered back.

Drew punched him twice. The others got Drew off.

" So does that mean Molly is going to be pregnant??" Anthony added.

We all looked at Molly. Is going to be hard for her to survive a Zombie invasion while being pregnant.

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