Chapter 13: The flowers, friends and family

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Katniss pov

I wake up the next morning to hearing birds tweeting outside my window. Groaning i push myself out of bed and jog downstairs, i then walk inside the kitchen and open the cabinets smiling when i see the stocked shelves. I gratefully take a pack of crisps, - before closing the cupboard - open it and moan as a crisp melts in my mouth. I mean, who needs to be healthy, right? Walking out of the kitchen i go to the window and look at the sunrise remembering how i used to be in a community Sunday school. Such innocent days running around in our Sunday dresses while i would complain about not being allowed to wear a t-shirt and jeans.

 I shake my head before deciding to get changed. I quickly throw my empty crisp bag in the rubbish before choosing what to wear deciding on a light blue jumper and black trousers. I then slip on my socks and hunting boots and grab the clothes that litter my bedroom floor before proceeding down the stairs and picking up the old and crumpled clothes on my couch. I then flip open my satchel and fill it with my dirty clothes with no space to spare.

 Pulling my satchel around my neck it rests at my waist on my left. I then grab some money and put it in a small corner of my satchel that didn't fit anything else. I proceed to open the door and pull it shut behind me before running through the forest to the shopping centre "Cornucopia fields". In case you don't know i'm running because the shopping centre shuts at 4pm and although i just saw the sunset its actually 10:30am - weird right? - and as much as i hate clothes shopping i know when it comes to food time will fly by.

 With every metre i run, my breaths get heavier and soon i'm forced to slow down to a jog. What? Don't blame me i can't run on flat ground i'm so used to uneven grounds in forests or fields occasionally resulting in a sprained ankle but that's not important. Eventually i'm on the outskirts of the forest and i follow the road until i reach the countryside. Cautiously i walk on the edge of the road, up the hill until i see a hole in the fence that is separating the road from the field. I patiently wait for the last car to go past before i run across the road and crawl under the hole, just barley fitting through. I then push myself of the ground and walk towards the massive building.

Approaching it, i slow down as i watch numerous people enter the shopping centre. I then turn around and notice two shops detached from the main building which looked like a supermarket along with a few market stalls. Staring between the shops and supermarket i force my gaze back to the side shops. The first shop i go in is a dry cleaner with a white and baby blue sign called, "Posh for Panem". Seriously some of these names are just weird. Huffing i walk over to the door and push it open before going to an empty washing machine.

I pull out all my clothes and arrange them in piles before throwing them in the machine and closing the hatch. Pressing the button to start the wash i sit on a chair in front of it and look around as the sound of soap and water spinning fills the air. Its pretty normal but i haven't been in a place like this before so i personally find it unusual. The inside of the room is white and along the walls are white washing machines and dryer's. Then in the left corner of the room is a cashier and behind is a rack with a few items of clothing in plastic bags such as what looks like a black groom's suit. Finally in the centre of the room surrounding plants are benches and chairs - like the one i'm sitting on - and at the corner of each bench is a small table, littered with books and magazines. Apart from that though their is only me and an elderly couple who are facing the opposite wall.

Glancing above a washing machine to my right i notice a small clock which reads 11:30am. So i have a while till its done. Sighing i push myself out of the chair and walk over to one of the small tables searching threw the magazines - because all the books looked historical - and deciding on one that comes with a pen called, "Stand out or pop out" and the headline talks about Panem's football teams competition. Boring. Walking back over to my chair i sit down and flick through the first few pages until my eyes land on something, a sports competition for all the District's and they where all about sports in the wild, camping - or at least that's what it said. Reading on i smirk as i notice two of the main skills will be archery and hunting. Looking at the bottom of the page i see an envelope sticking out. I pull it out of the magazine and open it to see a form for the different activities. My eyes scroll down the page until they land on the camping activities and i quickly click the end of the pen and fill out my details leaving a few spaces blank because i didn't know the answer myself. Once i'm done i continue to read until i hear the sounds coming from the washing machine stop.

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