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*knock knock

You stood up as you heard the knocks on your door.

You slowly opened the door to be greeted by the girl that Captain Fuegoleon asked to take care of you, and maybe the only person in this place that doesn't mind that you're a peasant, Eni.

"Eni...?" you muttered.

"You remember me?!" she said, shocked.

"This is the first time someone remembered me in this place!" she still couldn't believe it.

"Hehe..." you said. "Anyways, what brings you here?" you asked.

"Oh right! Nozel-sama asked me to take you to his office. He said he had a rather important thing to say to you." she replied.

'Important thing? Maybe its about what I said about wanting to go to the Crimson Lions'

"Sure! Gimme a sec, i'll just get ready! Come in!" you invited her to your room. She then entered.

You wore the clothes you wore when you entered the magic knights. Since you dont have the courage to wear the clothes Captain Fuegoleon gave ever since that incident.

You pulled two strings from the side of your hair and connected them in the back.

Once you were contented with your hair, you wore the robe that the Captain gave you.

You and Eni then left your room and she led the way to the Captain's office.

Once you reached the door, Eni excused herself and left. You took a deep breath and knocked 3 times.

"Come in" the Captain's ,as always chilling voice, was heard from where you were standing so you slowly opened the door.

When you entered the room, you closed the door behind you. You turn around to face the captain and find him staring at you.

You felt uneasy since its the first time the captain did that.

You raised you hand to your chest and saluted. After some seconds you bring your hand down.

"You called for me, sir?" you asked him. He removed his stare off you.

"You're coming with me on a mission." he said in a final voice.

"A mission? What kind of mission?" you asked.

"We're gonna be checking a Grand Magic Zone near the border to see if outsiders has come to the kingdom to steal riches."

"But why me?" you asked. "Im just a newbie, weak peasant" 

"I wouldn't invite you to my squad if you were weak. And we are entering an Ice-based Grand Magic Zone, so someone like you might be handy." he said.

"Just the two of us?"  You curiously asked.

He looked at you.

"Of course not. Unless you have a way to use spatial magic and get us far away with your magic, we are not alone." he said in a voice that kinda sounds regretful.

"But sir, this may be rude but, I have head aches and pass out at worse times." 

"Then I'll be sure to back you up while you take your little princess nap"

You sighed in defeat. Seems you really are gonna be going on your first mission.

"We will leave just a few moments later. You can sit here while you wait, or take a look around my office" he offered.

You shyly sat down in the chair in front of him while he continued on his paperworks.

While sitting down, you roam your eyes around the room. The room was big so you weren't able to see some parts.

"You know you could stand up and look around." the captain said, his eyes still on the paper in his desk.

You stood up and looked around. The office was full of expensive looking items. It was not surprising since he is a royal.

Out of all the things in his office, one thing caught your eye. 

It was a picture of the captain with captain Fuegoleon with a baby sitting in a chair in the middle.

You couldn't take your eyes off of it, since it looked so familiar.

"That's the Vermillion's 2nd daughter. That was before the Royal couple left to go somewhere with the baby." Captain Nozel butted in, unexpectedly.

"You dont mean-" you looked at it closely.

"Yes. It is the girl that was kidnapped. That was taken a few hours before she was taken" you felt nothing but sadness because it seemed that the girl had a lot of people care for her, even as a baby.

"Oh..." was the only thing you could say.

The captain looked at you and the picture quietly. Since the baby on the picture was laid down in a crib, her face wasn't that clear.

"We should go." he said.

Your attention was back to him. You nodded in reply.

The both of you heard a knock on the door.

"That must be the spatial mage that's gonna be coming with us." he said.

"Come in" he ordered.

A man that looks older than us entered the room.

"Nozel-dancho, the preparations are complete. We can leave any time you want.

The captain gave a nod. "Then we shall leave at this moment." 

The man that entered used his magic to make a spatial portal. The captain went ahead and entered the portal.

When you were about to enter, the man crossed his arms infront of you to prevent you from going in.

"Just so you know, if you ever cause us trouble, dont expect me or the captain to go to your aid. Got it?" he was threatening me. It seems like everyone in this squad really thinks so highly of themselves.

You hung your head low and crossed the portal.

On the other side of the portal, it looks like a forest. There were many types of trees surrounding you.

"What took you so long?" the captain asked when the both of you arrived.

"Haha, it was nothing, Nozel-dancho." the man said.

He looked at you but you just looked the other way. 

"Is this the place?" you looked around.

"No, the challenge starts just a few steps away from here." he then pointed steps away and there was like a line in the ground, from green to white and blue.

The spatial mage you were with had a shocked face.

"Nozel-dancho, I didn't know we were going to a Grand Magic Zone. And the ice one?" the man said.

"What's wrong, can't handle the cold?" he asked. (Ok, this is a kaeya reference lol. Kaeya said this and they have the same voice so why not)

The man gulped and answered. "No sir. Maybe you should ask this peasant right here." he then glared at you.

"She has ice magic so no need to worry." he said. "Let's go." he ordered and started walking. You followed behind him.



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