Chapter 3. The Unexpected Offer

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"Hm? Is that so?" the voice spoke once more. "Then tell me Tomura what brings her here?"

I'm not sure why I felt uneasy. I stood up rapidly. My eyes quickly making it's way to a television on the wall and nearby it, I see a poster of All Might; I can't tell if it looks old and worn out or if it's appearance is done on purpose.

At any rate, I roll my eyes. I can't stop my mouth from saying, "You could've hung anything on the wall and yet you hang a poster of Mr. Number 1? Ridiculous."

I can feel an eerie silence form. I bit my tongue; maybe I spoke too soon.

Yet, a joyous laugh from behind the screen proves to me I didn't. "Hah, you think so? Now there, that's not something that's heard every day especially with younger people these days. Normally they're all fans of him."

"I'm not like most people." I crossed my arms but quickly grimaced as I felt a jolt of pain rush through my arm.

"I can see that." The mysterious man replies. "Say, come closer now would you? I'd like to see who Tomura has brought. It's not every day he brings someone along."

I did as he said; not like I had a choice to begin with. From the corner of my eye I see Shigaraki staring at me. His arms crossed like he was expecting something good to happen.

"Tell me child, what's your name?"

I gulped a bit. I felt uncomfortable telling him the truth but I couldn't find it in me to lie to him. Despite not being able to see his face.

"He asked you a question. You better answer." Shigaraki sighed annoyed.

"Now, now, there's no rush." The man addressed. "Perhaps if I tell you who I am you might do the same. After all it's always up to the adults to set up an example and children are to follow."

I eyed the screen carefully. I tried my best to not show any emotion.

"You can call me All for One."

That name. All... for One. It almost sounded like—

"I'm [Y/n]." I answered carelessly.

"[Y/n]..." he repeated my name. "Very well then, [Y/n] I have a proposition for you."

That name it sounded just like... All Might's quirk. One for All. Could they—

"Oh really?" I returned to my smug attitude, "A proposition for me? Even though we've just met? How odd, it almost seems like the attack I suffered was done intentionally just so I could owe that blue haired boy, Shigaraki a favor. How interesting." I eyed Shigaraki.

"Watch your mouth." Shigaraki rasped. "We didn't do anything. That man who attacked you owed me information. He got paid and thought he could outsmart us by running. It was a coincidence that we met."

"Then why did he make it seem like he knew me? I may have been beaten up on the ground but I heard him. He said—"

Interrupting my words the man from the screen said, "What Tomura says is true. He didn't send that man after you. So rest assure, you do not owe him a favor. If Tomura brought you here it's because he saw you wasting your potential, as well as being a victim of the Hero Society."

His words made my brain hurt. He spoke so eloquently that if I wasn't on my guard, I knew his words would easily sway me. I needed to think. Think to see what this man wanted from me.

"Well there's something you should know, I'm a quirkless human being. Like I told Shigaraki, I don't have a quirk to train. You'll be wasting your time." I spat.

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