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Damon and Stefan woke up to the sound of crying and immediately run to see that everything in the baby room was now suspended in mid air looking at each other fearfully Damon vamp speed to grab Amilea but was push back and fell to the four with a thud . Trying to get the baby Stefan tried the same thing and managed to get her . "Ok what the hell just happened " Stefan asked rocking a now sleeping baby in his arms "I don't know but I think it's time we give bon bon a call , maybe she knows and can help" Damon said freaked out yet slightly amazed.

Bonnie Pov:

It was six in the morning when I got a call from the one and only Damon Salvatore "Damon I swear to god someone better be dying or-" my sentence was cut short by the sound of crying "i-is that a baby oh my god who's baby is that DAMON WHO DID YOU KILL?!" " Ok firstly why dose everyone think I killed someone ? And secondly no Bonnie, I didn't but I do need you help with something so how can you get here " I was somewhat relieved when he said he didn't kill anyone but I was concerned as to why I just a baby crying . " Good I'm glad to hear that you didn't kill anyone and everyone asks if you did because you are Damon Salvatore 'the big bad vampire' but I am your best friend so I'll see you in an hour " " thanks bon bon I owe you one but you know you love me " as he said that I could almost hear his smirk "yeah yeah see you in an hour" I said as I hung up and lazily dragged myself out of bed.

Damon POV:

I cradled the sleeping baby in my arms and wondered what the hell happened an hour ago how did all the stuff in her bedroom start to float ? Was it her doing it or something else? Is she endanger or- .

My thoughts were cut short when I heard Bonnie come into the room "it's about time bon bon I was wondering if I had to come get you " I said with a smirk "yeah well I had things to do, now why did I hear a baby crying and do you guys have a witch trapped in here because I getting a weird feeling" when she said that me and Stefan both looked at each other concerned " what do you mean you have a strange feeling is it bad or -" Stefan was cut short by Bonnie

"no no no. It's not a bad feeling it's just there's a lot of power in this house and it's non like I've ever felt. " She said with amazement . Then she noticed the baby in my arms "Damon who's baby is that "

Bonnie Pov :

As I came into the Salvatore house there was a weird feeling of magic but it wasn't dark magic it was light and very powerful . I told Damon and Stefan and they looked relieved then I saw baby in Damon's arms . " Damon who's baby is that " I asked nervously "I think you going to wanna sit down for this one Bonnie "

Stefan and Damon both then told how Damon found the baby in the door step and the note and how both of them were going to rise her . I can't believe someone would do that to their own child . " Ok that is so sad if I ever find that women I will murder her . So what her name? " I asked still a bit shocked by what they told me . I saw Damon grin as he stood up with the baby in his arm . "This my dear bon bon is Amilea Dianna Salvatore" he said with a proud smirk " Dianna like-" " yeah like the Princess Damon wouldn't let me give her middle name " Stefan said annoyed .

Damon then handed me Amilea "I think Dianna is perfect a name suitted for a princess " I said while holding her in my arms . But as I was holding her I could feel the magic that I felt before coming off the baby . " I can feel her magic I think she's a witch " I told them while in awe of the baby .They both looked at me with wide eyes . " Ok well is there anything you can do to help her contain that power untill she's old enough to control it " Damon asked "yeah I think I saw something grimoire (sorry if it's spelt wrong ) but I will only do it if you too agree to one condition" I told them with a little Bonnie smirk .

They both look dumbfounded "since when do you ask for favours bon bon " Damon asked " ok fine what do you want " Stefan asked slightly irradiated " wellll I want her to call me aunty bon or aunty Bonnie but I want to be the one who helps her with magic because the thought of you too being in charge of a baby makes me sick ."

I told them with a smile "deal and I am very offended you would think that Bonnie " Damon said with a fake hurt expression.

Nobody's Pov

Bonnie made Amilea a beautiful bracelet that was spelt to keep her magic contained untill she was ready to control it "she needs to keep this on at all times " Bonnie told both Stefan and Damon and the both nodded .


Heyyy lovely readers I hope you like this chapter vote and comment what you think again I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes. Also this story dose not follow the plot of Tvd and HP it does have some things from Tvd and HP though . Anyway I'll try to post at least two chapters a day but I don't make any promises.❤️❤️❤️

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