The beginning.

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Pearl's pov

"Um you mean you and Prince Jisung are together?" I asked still in shocked of what I heard.
"No. We were going to be official when Hyunjin would have taken the throne but after king's decision for Jisung to be the next King we aren't allowed to be together. For Jisung to be on the throne he needs a queen on his side. Orders of the law not his father's words. So we are seeing each other secretly from time to time but the end is near cause Jisung is becoming 19 years old next week which means it's his time to take over the throne." he explained and he looked so sad. I mean he obviously is. His love can't happen because of a stupid law.
"If Hyunjin takes the throne Jisung is allowed to be with whoever he wants to be right?" I asked him.
"Yes but their father would never allowed Hyunjin to take over the throne while Hyunjin has the curse." he sighed.
"We are going to help Hyunjin break his curse like I did on my own. He was actually getting better from the first time I met him. We have to find him. Also does Hyunjin know about you and Jisung?" I asked him.
"We didn't tell him anything but I think he knows." he answered.

"He knows. He read my mind even though he didn't tell me anything I know he read my mind." a familiar voice spoke from outside the cave.
"Jisung oh my God why are you here?" Felix swam fast at him and they hugged each other.
I immediately stood up and bowed and so did Kkami.
"Pearl don't treat me formally please. I hate it. I don't want the throne. It's Hyunjin's place and he deserves it. I hate the way I took his place. Plus I heard you are trying to help him." he said and sat down with him and Felix still hugging.
"Yes. We met at the surface and he only told me about the curse and I decided to help him. He was helping me to learn swimming. He also gave this pearl with Felix's help. He had his outbursts but he was calmer. Nothing like Felix described him. But we fought and I haven't talk to him since then." I sighed

I felt so sorry for him.
"Oh yeah you told me that but you didn't tell me the reason." Felix spoke.
"When I learned that I can breathe and see in the water I wanted to test myself but I didn't want to bother Hyunjin for once so I went to the beach earlier and I was testing my abilities. But I though of him and someone from your kingdom was near me looking for him and he heard my thoughts. He catched me but Hyunjin came fast when I called for him in my head and saved me. But then we fought about that and I learned about him from Woo that his father was hitting him that he left home but he didn't say anything of these to me. He didn't trust me enough even though I told him about my mum and yeah he said he won't come there again and to forget about him." I tried hard not to cry. I didn't want Hyunjin to hate me.
"He said this because he didn't want to put you in danger in which you are now that you are here." Jisung told me.
"My mum is a mermaid and I thought all those 5 years that she is dead but I am looking for answers that's why I am here too other than Hyunjin. I want you to help me find her." I explained to them.
"I can't live the kingdom but I can make sure that nothing can bother you during your journey on finding her." Jisund said.
"Thank you so much. I will help your brother and give your freedom back." I went to him and touched his hands and smiled. He smiled too and nodded in agreement. He was exhausted from all of this.

Felix's pov.
"We have to leave and Jisung needs to go back. I will escort him out. Rest for a little Pearl." I said to her.
She bowed to Jisung and waved at him. He did the same.
We went outside.
"Jisung do you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked him.
"It's possible to help him that much and he didn't even find love yet. But something about her. Felix did she show if she can do any magic?" he asked me and I thought about it.
"He sang at the poor people where I was. An old man told her that he sings like a siren but her singing is healing." I told him.
"Felix she might belongs to the ancient mermaids with the healing powers. When she touched my hands I felt calmer and you know how I am." he said shocked.
"When she hugged me I felt that too." I realized.
"Maybe she can heal Hyunjin with her powers. She has to use them on him. But they have to be sincere. It doesn't work other way." he explained to me.
"I will try make it happened don't worry. Look out for yourself for now." I hugged him.
"Also she said that Hyunjin heard her mind but he wasn't near. Maybe they are connected somehow." Jisung said at last and sighed and hugged me tightly.

"Felix, I miss you everyday. I can't do this." he said crying.
"Shhh it's okay. I will always love you." I said to him barely holding my tears.
Jisung smashed his lips on mine and I was so overwhelmed that I started crying eventually.
We broke the long kiss and said our goodbyes.

Pearl's pov.
I don't know what are they saying but they seemed so in love.
That's what Hyunjin needs. Love.
I hope we can break his curse.
"Pearl let's go find Hyunjin." Felix announced and I saw his red eyes and I knew the were crying.
"How will we do that?" I asked him and Kkami.
"I can trace him with my mind. Good thing we spent a lot of time with him." Kkami explained.
"Kkami I am scared I don't want you to get in trouble." I said worried.
"Pearl I told you I am your guardian my job is to protect you and help you and that's what I am doing no matter what. I like Hyunjin too and I want to help him too and if you are the answer to that I will of course help you." He came and hugged to relax me.
"Thank you Kkami for everything." I hugged him back and smiled.

"This way come on." Kkami said after about half an hour swimming.
"He's in there" he pointed on the dark cave.
"Of course he would be in the darkest cave in the kingdom." Felix facepalmed himself.
We need light. Light. Light. Light. I looked around.

Felix moved his hand and a light came out of his hand.
"Let's go" he said and went in the cave.
"Hyunjin come here bro" Felix yelled.
"What are you doing here asshole?" Hyunjin yelled back and appeared in front of us.
"Pearl why are you here? I told you not to come near me." he was mad again.

I didn't think anything. I didn't care about what he was saying I just swam fast to him and hugged him. Tears were rolling down my eyes.
"Don't leave me like that Hyunjin. I missed you so much. I am sorry for what I did to you. I just didn't want to be a bother. You are the only friend I have don't leave me too." I squished my body to his.
He hugged me tightly too. He put his head in my hair and I was in his chest.
"Pearl you are so stupid why did you come to the deep ocean it's dangerous here for you." he said worried.
"I'm here to help you with the curse and you will help me find my mum and it's a promise you can't escape because I will for sure help you." I said proud and looked at him.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now