give you a child - telling family

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He looked at her, slightly alarmed. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"What if they don't let you in during the birth?" Taylor asked, the mere thought of that bringing tears to her eyes.

"Hey," said Joe softly, pulling his hands carefully out of her grasp and placing them on the sides of Taylor's face. "Don't think like that. By then, I'm sure I'll be allowed to go."

"But what if-"

"Taylor," Joe said, his voice stern but still gentle. "Nothing could keep me from you, love. We're gonna be alright, okay?" he said. Taylor didn't respond, her eyes darting to the ground. "Okay?" Joe repeated.

"Okay," Taylor whispered.

may 25, 2020

It was a few days later, and Taylor and Joe were sitting in the car outside of the doctor's office.

"I wish you could come with me," Taylor said, looking sadly towards the entrance.

"I know you do, love. I wish I could too," Joe said, taking Taylor's hand. "But I'll be there for all of our other kids."

"How many times exactly do you think I'll be doing this?" Taylor asked, smirking a little and pointing to her stomach.

"Hm... how does five kids sound?" Joe suggested, also smirking a little.

Taylor scrunched up her face. "Three at most," she told him.

"Fine, I can live with that," Joe said, the playful smile lingering on the corners of his lips. "But really, Taylor, you tell me every single detail when you're done." He flashed her a reassuring smile, hoping it would calm her down some.

Taylor smiled back, despite how anxious she was. "I love you," she told him.

"I love you too," Joe responded. "Now, go in there and make sure that my wife and baby are healthy." He smiled encouragingly, squeezing her hand three times.

"I'll see you soon," she said, putting on her mask and climbing out of the car.

When she walked into the doctor's office, it was completely empty, which calmed her down a bit. At least she could avoid pregnancy rumors for a while.

"Hi, I have an appointment for Taylor Swift?" Taylor said to the receptionist.

"Right this way," the receptionist said. If she had any idea who Taylor was, she didn't show it, which Taylor was very greatful for. She was left in front of a room with a woman standing there.

"Hi, Taylor, I'm Dr. Carlson," the woman said. She took Taylor into the room. "It's nice to meet you. And, in case you were worried, all of your visits will be kept strictly confidential," she added.

"It's nice to meet you too," Taylor responded. "And, thank you." It was strange not to shake the woman's hand or even be able to offer her a kind smile.

"So, you said you had a positive pregnancy test?" Dr. Carlson asked, checking her notes.

"Yes," said Taylor, nodding.

"What symptoms have you been having?" asked Dr. Carlson.

"Um..." Taylor's mind when blank for a moment before she remembered what they were. "Nausea, not just in the morning but I heard that's normal, headaches, I'm really tired for no reason, and this might be a bit weird, but my boobs are really sore."

"All perfectly normal," Dr. Carlson said. "We'll just do a quick test to confirm you are pregnant and then get on with the rest of the visit."

Waiting for the results of the pregnancy test was excruciating. Taylor knew she was pregnant, she had too many symptoms not to be, but her mind still went wild with the what ifs.

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