A month since I left Rosemoon pack with no food, water, or clothing. The Rosemoon pack starved me, so I didn't have strength in my body. I was using Artemis's power to travel, and one day I collapsed.

Even though Artemis is a scared wolf, My body is too weak to handle the amount of power she has. Hunter and Aiden brought me in the pack, took me to pack's hospital, and the doctors treated me.

They told me that I woke up one month later. Artemis said my body was too weak, and it was getting used to the presence of her presence.

I was no threat to the pack.

Even if I am, death would be my friend in the next minute.

The goldmoon pack is the superiors' pack in the werewolves' society.


The elders of werewolf society are the ones who live here.

They make the laws that we werewolves abide by in society.

The goldmoon pack is not like any other pack.

They have trained warriors, and all are men.

The only female in the pack is Scarlett, my adoptive mother, and no, she is not dad's mate.

She and her dad are siblings. Dad's mate died while giving birth to Aiden.

Dad and Aiden didn't ask me for my identity, but they told me I looked lifeless, someone with no goal in life. They sheltered me in the pack to stay, and I accepted since I had nowhere to go. I stayed in the room provided for me with food in front of the door daily.

Artemis stayed quiet during that time.

She told me she wanted me to discover things for myself, To see if the moon goddess didn't create the wrong person for her.

Now, I am thankful for her not speaking then.

The silence was killing me.

My beast was not speaking to me.

She told me that she would always be inside me. I need her to plan my life after recovering all my strength in the pack.

I lay on the surprisingly soft bed.

I guess I got used to my sleeping bag.

I heard footsteps outside the door before sitting up on the bed. I welcomed the person.

The older man that found me, whose name I learned, was Elder hunter Millers.

He looked at me seriously and said words I didn't know would change my life. "Are you giving up?"

I looked at him confusedly.

He continued, "those scars on your body are signs of abuse, you were successful in running away from the abuser, but you are giving up now?"

I was surprised at his bluntness. I knew they saw the scars on my body, even if my sacred wolf succeeded in healing my wounds.

The scars will be left behind to remind me of my past.

" I don't know your story, but if you want to get revenge on him, I can train you,'' He offered to train me, a trespasser who hadn't crossed paths with him after the hospital.

I asked a simple question, "Why?"

He said, "My wife was in the same position as you, although it was her family that abused her before I found her,''

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