Chapter 1: I'm a Guard?

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*Jack's POV*

Here we were, standing together in the globe room of the North Pole. The northern lights had been glowing throughout the sky and North swore multiple times that he didn't start them. Now everyone is here fighting about it while I'm casually watching. 

"Bunny, you know I would never have pressed the lights button mere days before Christmas. It couldn't have been me." North said matter of factly.

"Oh, so this was ok when it was days before Easter? Show some respect to my holiday, Mate. It's just as important." Bunnymund replied. They continued on fighting over which holiday was more important. I smirked at them and turned my attention to Tooth and Sandy. 

"Frontal bicupids in Seattle. Two lateral incicors in London. Go! Go!" Tooth commanded her fairies as they went to collect the teeth. She then turned to Sandy to start her rant about the lights."They act as though it's perfectly fine to signal these lights whenever a minor problem arises. They work literally one night a year. They don't understand us, do they? We work 24/7 and they just call us out here for no reason. There isn't even a problem this time!" 

Sandy replied with his sand signs that I had yet to understand. I laughed happily at all my friends gathered around. Suddenly the moon started glowing and a single light shone down onto the silver platform on the floor.

"Guys! Guys! Stop fighting! I think I know why we were gathered!" I shouted, pointing at the streak of moonlight. They all stopped and started at the spot of the floor where the moon was shining. 

"Man in Moon must have gathered us here. He must want to tell us all something." said North. A shadow  appeared in the bright moonlight. Instead of Pitch, who we were all expecting it to be, a shadow of me appeared. 

"What? Why am I there?" I asked, curiosity filling me. The shadow of me disappeared and a shadow of two strong forearms crossed together appeared. North gasped.

"It can't be. You can't be. I thought I would have more time to explain this to you. I thought I would have years. And now I only have about an hour. Oh no." He said, obviously upset. Sandy and Tooth looked at each other with surprised faces. Bunny rolled his eyes and glared at me.

"What's going on? What does that mean? North, tell me." I said, worried. The moonlight disappeared and the moon went back to it's regular color. 

"Jack, this is going to be a lot of information to tell you before your confusion sets in, but you need to listen, and listen closely. We only have about an hour." North commanded. I nodded to show I would listen, eager to find out what exactly what's happening.

"Ok, Jack. You have been chosen to be a Guard." North said to me.

"Wait, aren't we all Guards?" I asked, already confused. 

"No. We are all Guardians. At the moment, only I am a Guard. In about an hour, you will be too."

"Well what's the difference." 

"Oh, there's a big difference mate." saidBunnymund, smirking.

"A Guardian protects the children of the world. A Guard protects a specific person. You will be both."

"Oh, that sounds simple. Who is it. Is it Jamie? That sounds easy." I said, very confused at their frustration.

"It doesn't really work like that, Jack." said Bunny, laughing. I sent him a glare and turned my attention back to North.

"Jack, this is far from simple and it definitely won't be easy. The person you guard will not be human, nor a child.. Or a boy." North said.

"Wait so if she isn't human, then what is she." I asked. This is literally the most confusing moment of my life.

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