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"Krist, come here at the company's bulding. I have something for you." my manager greeted as soon as I answered his call.

What something again? A new series? A new movie? Or is this some sort of advertisements? I was curious thus, I quickly grabbed my keys and phone and drove off to the company.

A heavy traffic welcomed me along the road and this is so frustrating! Does the traffic have to be this heavy when I am on the road? Damn it!

I opened the radio to ease the headache given by this frustration.

"Singto Prachaya, a world-tier actor just came back from his studies abroad and planning to have a comeback series!" announced by the radio.

So he's back? Why didn't he informed me? He's always like this. He never informs me about his plans. I thought I can be somewhat special to him but I guess, Im just hoping and dreaming.

"Yes, that's true Ms. Im so excited too. But for now, I have to go. I have a special someone to meet. Have a nice day ahead, listeners!" a familiar baritone voice escaped the sounds of the radio.

He never changed. His voice will always be soothing to my ears. And what did he say? Special someone? He's dating someone? I never thought he'll be dating someone in that span of 2 years without actually telling me.

I turned off the radio because it's adding more frustrations on my mind, and my heart, I guess? After his confession that day, he finally left. He left me dumbfounded and confused. He never called and messaged me on those 2 years and I was left questioning myself. I had lots of questions that were never answered because he left. How could he confessed and leave me after? And what's this? He have his special someone while I'm still here, confused about him.

I finally reached the building and my manager immediately welcomed me.

"You're into surprises, right?" he asked as we walked inside the building.

"I guess so. But don't you tell me I got fired because I will never into it." I answered and finally entered a room.

The scrunity of the room never failed to surprised me. It really was a surprise to see a familiar man. A familiar man who left me confused years ago. Singto!

"Please sit down Mr. Sangpotirat." the ceo announced. It was really a surprised to see the crowd inside this room. There was the ceo, a director, 2 managers, and finally Singto and his manager.

"I had already  discussed this to the other members of the board and they had agreed. The only consultation I am waiting is you, Krist." The ceo looked at me with intimidating eyes.

"Yeah? What consultation? Shouldn't be confirmation, Sir?" I confusely asked.

"No, it's consultation because this is going to take action even if you won't confirm to be a part of it." he answered.

What? This is against my human rights! I moved my gaze to the man in front of me and it surprised me when I saw him staring at me. When he realized that I am also looking at him, his cheeks turned pinkish. Hey? Is he actually blushing?

"So, what's this all about? I guess, I can't do anything about it even though this is against my rights." I spouted as I returned my gaze on the ceo.

"Fans had been waiting for this. Your fandom is a huge crowd and they are all shouting and begging for a series. So, as the ceo, I wanted to grant their wishes. You'll be having another bl series with Singto Prachaya and that's confirmed and decided." he explained. "Are we clear? Okay, now that I have seen your reactions. I think I have to go now." then he exited and left me dumbfounded.

A new series with him? I looked at Singto and he was now hiding his smile. So this is your plan? You've planned to confused me and then you'll come back looking gorgeous as ever? Damn it!

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