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I woke up bright and early to get started with my day. I was currently getting ready with victor to meet the girls. They plane landed 3 hours ago and they were currently at this BNB that wasn't too far from us.

"So where we meeting them at?" Victor asked combing his beard.

"This restaurant diner place, how I look baby?" I asked standing in front of the mirror with him. A smile spread across his face

"Like my next meal." I laughed because west used to say that same corny ass joke.

"You looking good yourself." He kissed my lips running his hands through my hair.

"Stop before you drop my curls." I parted from him smiling. We grabbed our things before heading to the restaurant, the girls was already there waiting for us.

We found a parking space and got out. I immediately seen the 3 of them sitting at a table outside. I ran to them, when they saw me running somebody started screaming they got up and hugged me laughing.

"Awww my bitch is getting fucking married!" Crystal hyped me up, they all cheered along with me.

"Hey Victor." Ella said giving him a quick hug then after crystal and cami. We all got seated and have small talk till the waiter came and took our orders.

"I'll have the waffle and chicken please with a vanilla milkshake." I said to her, she nodded jotting it down.

"Aw shit, sorry ladies but my time is up. Work calls." Victor said putting down his phone.

"Damn babe, Mr. Harris is working you like crazy." I looked up at him as he put his phone in his pocket.

"Tell me about it, I already told him I'm not coming in for a couple of weeks and he decides to keep calling me." He sucked his teeth then giving me a kiss on my lips. "I love you, and I'll see y'all tomorrow night." He said bye to the girls.

"So what we doing after this?" Cami asked digging into her food after the waitress brought it to us.

"Bitch let's go get drunk, I need it." Ella said picking at her food not really interested in it.

"It's 1 something in the afternoon, you okay boo?" I asked her, she sighed and i already know what was up with her


"It's that nigga Raheem ain't it?" Cami asked looking at her in a "are you serious" face. Ella didn't respond

"Look Ella, fuck that nigga. You should've been stopped messing with his ass when he had a child on you." Crystal explained.

"Yes I know, I have to let him go for good now." She sighed and took a sip out her ice tea.

"Good, I'm sure Victor got some homeboys coming tomorrow night." I smirked at her, she laughed

"Well shid, I need to look my best then." She got excited causing all of us to laugh.

"I hope my pregnant ass could still fit in my dress." Crystal said looking down at her baby bump. She was so beautiful pregnant.

"I can't wait to spoil my niece," Ella said rubbing her stomach.

"Real talk, that baby gonna need 2 closets." I added on, eating my food.

"Please, Y'all should be spoiling me." Crystal said, I squint at her.

"No ma'am that's Daron's job." Cami laughed with us.  She sucked her teeth

"What ever, ya bitches not getting shit now." She joked. After we was done eating and taking care of the bill we went to get our self situated by getting manicures and pedicures.

Around 5 we was done at the nail salon, we went to the mall to do a little bit of shopping and I swear they was making me laugh every second. I missed my friends so much. They came down to hang with me a couple of times these passed 7 years but this was the longest we were apart.

"Aww these cute little shoes would look cute on Tamara." Ella said looking at a pair of shoes for cami's daughter

"Little? That girl damn near grown a women." Cami laugh, Tamara was a bright 4 year old girl. She was so smart for her age.

"I'm telling her mommy jealous of her." Crystal said wobbling over to us.

"I'm starving, I know y'all not about to spend ages in here." Ella groaned.

"Right, let's go. My baby needs to eat." Crystal rubbed her belly as we follow her out the store to the food court.


I took a sip out of my lean with ice then taking a pull out of my blunt. My body felt relaxed instantly. I sat back and smoke the rest of my blunt while drinking out of my cup.

"Yo bro, I'm gonna step out for a second." Tyrell said dapping me up. I nodded and he left, ever since a nigga got out of jail all that's been on my mind is her. I know I fucked up when I didn't go get her. After me and gang took care of them niggas I realized I couldn't keep putting her life in danger.

Last time I spoke to her was 2 years ago I think. I heard she's getting married and honestly I'm the type to pop up at her wedding and shut that shit down. But I was told she was happy without me so I let her be.

I got up from my chair and I felt lightheaded, I've been drinking ever since I got out the pin. That shit was the thing that was keeping Kaya off my mind.

I was getting tired of this place and running the trap. I need to stop doing this shit I have enough bread saved to be set for life I don't know why I continue to go down that path. I would have to leave the responsibilities in someone else's hand. Somebody I trust and I know that can do it, that person was Tyrell.

It's time for me to retire.

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