Its been months since your interaction with Loki and still no sign of him. He promised he would be back and you believed him. His presence still radiating through your empty apartment, his books still sitting there on the coffee table. Every Friday you would wait patiently in the library, just waiting for him to come rushing through the door to find you. Every other night you waited by your front door for a familiar knock, you imagined running into his arms and never leaving.
You sit by your bedroom window watching the town, hoping to see Loki running to your apartment building but you never do. You had stopped reading, unable to concentrate thinking back to his frost giant lips pressed again your gentle Asgardian ones. You realised you had to forget about Loki and move on, you grabbed the books from the coffee table and marched to the library.
" id like to know where these belong please" you demanded from the librarian slamming the heavy books down on the counter. " where did you get those, they don't belong here. they are prince Loki's special editions from the palace library" she very angrily explained. You didn't bother explaining so you took them back home putting them in the same place, dust lines from where they previously were.
You were shocked he had brought you his collection and honoured at the same time, just as you put them down a note fallen from the top book, you stared at it for a couple of seconds before cautiously retrieving the note.You opened it up to find a map of the palace. As you unfolded the enchanted map a second note fell out that you managed to catch before it fell.
It read: " y/n my dear if you are reading this note then I have been wrongly imprisoned by Odin in the dungeons below the palace. I was bribed to do a horrible thing on Midgard that caused mass destruction which as now sealed my fate, They do not believe me and it could mean I will spend the rest of my days in these retched dungeons. I still have most of my magic but not enough for me to break free, just enough to send you this note. I need you to break me out so I can prove my innocence. There's a sewer tunnel under the town library that will lead you up into the dungeons without getting noticed. The map should help you. I hope to see you soon my love.
Loki"You fell back onto your sofa happy knowing he didn't leave you on purpose but you could feel a deep pain knowing he was locked up with criminals. You knew that Loki wasn't perfect but he said it himself, he was brainwashed.
You knew you had to help him so every day you took a trip down to the sewer entrance so you were clear on the plan. You studied the map just in case you found yourself lost.
After one full week of checking and revising you set off just after midnight to rescue Loki from the dungeons. You made you way through the town worming your way through the people and headed down through the woods hopefully unnoticed. The sewer entrance was dark, cold and everything you imagined a sewer to be, sludgy and the noise of consent raindrops bouncing off the floor.
You lit up your torch and began heading down the tunnel for the first time, there was no light yet coming from the other side, you hoped the walk wasn't too long. You walked for what seemed forever before hearing a voice, you shut off your torch in a flash and pressed your back firmly up against the cold, damp wall trying not to breathe, too scared the man would hear.
The guard seemed to have past but your torch remained off, you continued walking until you were faced with a steep stone staircase leading down towards a warm light. You hesitated before climbing down the stairs build for longer legs then your own.
You arrived at a corridor with a large wooden door at the end with a bolt almost as big as you. "well he could have told me about the giant door" you scoffed to yourself. You began to slowly approach the door, keeping aware of where you are.

Tom Hiddleston/Loki oneshots mostly smut
FanfictionGoing to be trying out writing oneshots mostly of Tom Hiddleston or Loki