" oh looks like we need more gas, wheres the nearest station?" A worried tom asked you. You were about half asleep in the passenger seat and looking at a bright screen was the last thing you wanted to do. you turned your phone on and looked like a vampire had been pushed in the sun.
" the nearest is... oh look there you can see it" you pointed. Tom turned into the closest pump and jumped out of the car, yarning as he went to fill the car. You couldn't wait to get to the cabin, just you and tom for 4 days, no work just cuddles, sex, walks and films. Heaven. You both had been working like crazy and deserved some downtime, you had barely seen each other over the last couple of weeks.
You could see tom in the shop window paying for the gas and you couldn't help but think how lucky you were. " what are you smiling at?" Tom asked getting into the driver's seat.
" nothing nothing" you laughed. You had a couple of hours left on the road so you went back to sleep for rest, hopefully no more phone screens.
" We are here darling" he whispered brushing the hair out your face, he slowly unbuckled your seatbelt and lifted you bridle style out of the car and headed for the cabin doors with your head tucked tightly into his neck, you didn't know how long you had been asleep for because the cabin was warm making you more tired than before.
"let's get you to bed for the night I think" he gently whispered into your ear as he lowed your limp state onto the Egyptian cotton sheets. As soon as your head hit the cool pillow you were out.
Next morning at 7 AM
You woke just barely to the sweet sounds of birds outside your window, and a comforting warm light beaming through the curtains. You rolled onto your back, slightly unaware of how you got there but it was fine as you woke up feeling completely refreshed just confused about where your husband was.
Until the smell of bacon hit you coming through the bedroom door. That man knew how to please you. You peeled off the covers and stretched out your toes before getting up and putting on the dressing gown the tom had laid out for you and made your way down the stairs.
As you reached the bottom of the stairwell you could hear music and toms glorious singing coming from the kitchen, you giggled to yourself as you made your way to the kitchen but stopping just outside the half-closed door to let him have his fun a while longer. Besides, you liked to listen to him.
"I know your there, listening to me, so do you want your bacon or shall I eat it?" He teased
" no don't eat it, I want it, I want it" you burst through the door laughing as he dangled a piece over his mouth, you ran to the bacon and take a seat next to him at the small table. Tom planted a small kiss onto your forehead and poured you some orange juice before you both ate your sandwiches.
" so what do you want to do on our first day here?" He asked finishing his juice
"I may have a couple of ideas in mind" you teased hoping he gets the hint.
He leans in for a kiss and you kiss him back, biting his lip softly. He scops you onto his lap with his tongue seeking entrance to dance with your own. His hands explore your naked breasts over your thin tank top. He begins to slide your dressing gown off your shoulders, making you shiver and your nipples harden at the sudden temperature change.
He graces his thumbs over each nipple over the fabric making you moan into his lips and biting his lower lip once again but slightly harder. You could feel the sudden hardness underneath you making you slowly grind onto his bulge hitting your sensitive bud in just the right spot. "let's take this somewhere better" he groans into your neck standing up carrying you with him.
You reach the bedroom and he tosses you onto the bed and loses his clothing before climbing onto the king-sized bed to remove yours. He slides his hand through the leg of your shorts and graces a single finger up and down your slick folds. Humming at the wetness and smirking knowing he did that.
You roll your head back breathing deeply at his exploration. You reach down pulling your top over your head, making your breasts bounce as the fabric releases them. he tugs your shorts down your legs, throwing them with the rest of the clothes. he leans over you kissing you deeply while his hard member rubs against your clit, sending waves of intense pleasure through your body, making you moan uncontrollably against his soft lips.
he suddenly lifts your legs onto his shoulders and runs his tip up and down your soaked entrance, making your walls clench before making one swift move and buries his member deep inside you. you moan his name loudly at the sudden fullness and he puts your heads together letting you get used to the feeling.
he props himself up with one hand, the other caressing your breasts one at a time, he begins to move, pulling out all the way and slamming back up against your g spot giving you jolts of pleasure every time. he groans into your ear as his orgasm builds, you begin to rub your sensitive clit as he thrusts back and forward making your walls clench around his cock.
you feeling your orgasm building and as his thrusts get sloppier, the lazy cycles your running around your bud get lazier. You both explode into orgasmic, bliss and moans and groans fill the room. He collapses on top of you letting you both come down from your highs. he slowly pulls out and flops down next to you, you moan at the sudden emptiness with his warm liquid trickling down your thighs.
you roll over to cuddle into him, resting your head on his shoulder. " so is there anything else you want to do today?" tom asked stroking your head.
" mmm nope" you smiled looking up at him, kissing him gently on his jawline.

Tom Hiddleston/Loki oneshots mostly smut
FanfictionGoing to be trying out writing oneshots mostly of Tom Hiddleston or Loki