I quickly closed Niall’s door and as I began to walk away my name was called.

“Ruby!” It was Louis. I froze, and turning to face them. 

Niall’s POV

“Ruby!” I heard Louis’ voice from outside my bedroom door. I quickly reached over to my drawers and pulled out some clothes. I chucked them on, and pressed my ear to the door eavesdropping. 

“What’s happening?” Harry asked. What is she going to say? 

“Nothing much, Niall and I were just talking.” Ruby spoke, quietly. 

“Talking about what?” Harry’s voice asked again.

“Just some stuff.” 

“Right. Is he okay?” Zayn’s voice mumbled. 

“Um... well... not really. He needs you guys...” Ruby spoke, which made tears come to my eyes. 

“We need him too.” I heard Harry’s voice crack, which sent me over the edge. I let out a loud sob as I walked away from the door and laid face first down into my pillow. Tears were getting caught on the pillow. I heard the door open and close, but I just kept my head down in the pillow. 

“It’s alright Niall.” Liam’s voice whispered whilst rubbing my back for support. 

I didn’t push him away, I guess Ruby was right. I did need them. 

I lifted myself from my pillow and looked at Liam. He looked upset, and we went into each others arms. I continued to cry and I guess so did Liam. 

“I’m sorry.” I whispered to him. 

“I’m sorry too and so are the lads. I have missed you Niall.” He whispered back. 

His words just made me cry harder. 

* * *

“When’s your girlfriend coming over again?” A female voice whispered.

“Ashley is her name and she is coming over in an hour.” A manly voice whispered back. Was I dreaming or? I hadn’t even remembered falling asleep. The last thing I remember was Liam and I holding each other and crying. I opened my eyes briefly, and then closed them. 

“He opened his eyes!” Another female voice spoke loudly. I was now awake for sure.

“Niall, it’s time to wake up!” I opened my eyes to see Liam, Ruby and Eleanor standing there smiling. 

“I don’t want to wake up! Let me sleep!” I mumbled out, I just wanted to lay here.

“You need to get up and get ready to meet Liam’s girlfriend!” Ruby spoke, sitting on the bed next to me. 

“Since when did you meet someone Li?” Liam bit his lip and looked down at his feet. His face had started to turn a light red colour.

“Awe! His blushing!” Eleanor jumped in the air. I looked away from Liam and down at Eleanor’s shoes. How could she jump in high heels that high!

“Too cute!” I smirked.

Ruby spoke and said, “Niall, we need to help downstairs. Can you come down in 10 minutes?” 

I gulped and smiled. “Yeah see you all down there!” 

They all retreated out of my bedroom and I was left alone to get ready. 

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