"How did you know something was wrong?" i asked the little snowman.

"I had a strange feeling."

"Is everything okay Elsa?" Anna asked, looking very concerned.

I thought for a while, should I tell her?

"I struck Jack's sister" I said so quietly I almost thought I had said it in my head.

Anna gasped, "is she okay?"

I just shrugged my shoulders, "I ran off before the second I saw." Thinking back to the event, I let a tear escape.

"I'm sure she's okay, Elsa. Why don't you just go back and check on her?" Olaf piped in.

"I-I can't, they all must hate me. I can't stand to see their pain."

"Elsa, you can't just run away from it. You have to go and at least try to fix what's been done," Anna said. She put her hand on my shoulder, "and, I don't think Jack with be too upset. He knows you don't have complete control over your powers."

"But that's his little sister. It killed me when I froze you, Anna."

"But you were able to thaw me. You can do it for her too."

"Do you really think I should go back?"

Anna nodded, giving me a tight smile. I thought about it for another second before agreeing.

"Okay, I'll go." I stood up and brushed snow off my clothes.

"Olaf and I will head home. I'll see you later tonight?" Anna asked, standing as well.

"Yeah, I'll see you tonight" I hugged my sister and we went our separate ways.


Emma's POV

"How is your arm feeling, sweetie?" my mother called.

"It's fine! Have you heard anything from Jack yet?"

"Afraid not. I hope everything is alright" she responded, walking into our living room. "Hopefully he's found her by now. It's been three days."

I traced the outline of the cast I had gotten recently. My arm was broken the day we had our snowball fight. Jack had told me to watch out so I ran and tripped over a rock. I fell on my arm which broke it! After that Elsa just disappeared. Jack went after her, but hasn't returned yet.

Knock knock

My head snapped up to look at the door. I stared at it, unsure of if I actually heard a knock.

Knock knock knock

I immediately shot out of my seat and ran to the door. I swung it open to see Elsa. She had her back to me.


She whipped around and her eyes grew large the second she saw me. "Emma!" she pulled me into a hug. She pulled away and inspected me, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine! My arm is broken but besides that I'm great!"

"How did your arm break?"

"I tripped over a rock the day we had the snowball fight."

"W-where's Jack?"

" He went to go find you!"

"He did?" Elsa asked, sounding surprised. A second later she looked worried, " I have to go find h-"

"Emma! Lunch it's ready, come to the table!" My mom called as she entered the living room. "Oh, hello Elsa! Would you like to join us for lunch?"

"Oh no, thank you. I have to go find-" Elsa was cut off as her stomach growled at her. "Actually, lunch sounds great. Thanks"

My mom chuckled, "never argue with the mighty stomach. Come sit at the table girls, I'll bring the food right out."

We made our way to the table and had lunch. The whole time I thought about Jack and where he could be. I lost my brother once, I don't want to lose him again.

Hey guys! Finally an update! After almost a year!!! I can't believe it's been that long! Hopefully you guys like it! I had it all written out and I came back to write more and it was all gone! I only remembered bits and pieces, so I did the best I could to write the whole thing again! I promise I'm going to try to update more often with longer chapters. if y'all want to, follow my personal  instagram!!


It's on private do just request to follow and I'll gladly accept! Y'all can DM me on there too, I'd love to talk to y'all!!

Bye, for now!

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